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A few months ago, I received a note from a longtime friend, Joan Blades (co-founder of MomsRising ) introducing us to Katrina Alcorn . Joan thought we might support each others’ work, and it turns out that yes, supporting each others’ work was indeed a no brainer. I learned about the book Katrina...
Cali Ressler's picture
As we move rapidly towards health care open enrollment starting October 1, it’s becoming increasingly important to look at how essential benefits will be offered by health plans through the state exchanges. Advocates in California recently learned first-hand that health plan decisions can be fluid...
Wendy Lazarus's picture
My family had a wonderful vacation this month in Acadia National Park . We hiked along trails that abutted the ocean, biked the carriage roads, and took an awe-inspiring whale-watching trip. One afternoon, we stopped at the iconic Jordan Pond House , famous for popovers and lemonade. They serve the...
Laura Trivers's picture
Ten years ago, a group of high-powered women quit their jobs to stay home with their kids full-time. They got tons of media attention, including a segment on 60 Minutes . Writer Judith Warner recently caught up with them in a cover story for The New York Times magazine. The story didn’t look at the...
Kimberly Weisul's picture
If you’ve been following us on Facebook or Twitter , you might have noticed that we’ve spent the last couple of weeks sharing some of the great things health care reform is already doing for Americans. How come? Well, for one, according to the Pew Research Center, 44% of Americans don’t even know...
Christine Sinatra's picture
By Fatima Goss Graves , Kate Gallagher Robbins , and Liz Watson Cross-Posted from NWLC's blog Each September the U.S. Census Bureau puts out information on the annual earnings of male and female workers. We’ll soon know the numbers for 2012, but we already know that in 2011, the most recent year...
Liz Watson's picture
As a nation, we have become accustomed to paying relatively little for our food as a percentage of overall income. [i] While this cheap food may on the face of it seem like a good thing, it actually comes at an alarming, and astronomical, cost. This is due to the fact that whenever you buy non-...
Diana Donlon's picture
Do you or people you know have adult children who don't have health insurance? Right now, 11.7 million young adults have gone without health insurance in the past year, although over 70% say having health insurance is important to them. For many young adults, the primary barriers to getting covered...
Felicia Burnett's picture
The good news is that this summer, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle came together to pass legislation that lowers rates for students borrowing to pay for college this year. The bad news? The legislation will increase the cost of higher education for college students in the future . Back on...
Mattea Kramer's picture
I was without health insurance for most of my twenties. I worked as an independent contractor for a small, woman-owned company that unfortunately, like so many small businesses, didn’t offer health insurance. Overall, I was very lucky in the sense that I did not have any major medical emergencies...
Carrie Crockett's picture
