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Calling all super parents! Do you sometimes feel like kids are the targets of too much junk food marketing? Have you ever cringed when youheard what your child ate at school? Do you believe every family should have access to healthy and nutritious food? And do you love meeting other motivated super...
Karen Showalter's picture
I am a recent college grad with a job that I love. Not only do I get to work with middle school students on issues of leadership, empowerment, and critical thinking, I also get to do this mentoring in partnership with college students who are as dedicated to these kids as I am. In regard to morale...
Emily Vrotsos's picture
It’s not easy to be heard in Washington, D.C., even about an issue as important as affordable, high-quality child care and preschool. There’s a lot of competition for our elected leaders’ attention: pinstripe-suited lobbyists, 24-hour news channels, and lots of partisan bickering. That’s why we’re...
Sarah Francis's picture
We are making progress on confirming the need for a Maryland pesticide use database! And so many of you helped us get here. The August meeting of the Maryland Pesticide and Information Act Workgroup, its second, focused on what we do and don’t know about pesticides. The workgroup, consisting of...
Ruth Berlin's picture
Shaniqua , a 20-year-old mother, works for McDonald’s in New York City, where she can rarely get 40 hours a week. She struggles to afford food, diapers, and other basics. Nick , a McDonald’s worker in Indianapolis, survives on $800 per month while caring for his chronically ill mother and disabled...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture
This blog post originally appeared in the LadydeeLG blog . More than a month after a jury acquitted the man that shot Trayvon Martin, an unarmed 17 year old boy, emotions are high. People question whether things will change, whether minority children, especially minority boys, will be able to grow...
Diana Limongi's picture
The superstar line up for this show includes: Kimberly Seals Allers, award-winning journalist, author of The Mocha Manual™ series of books and founder of , a pregnancy and parenting lifestyle destination and blog for African Americans. Molly Wingate, author of Slow Parenting...
Kristin's picture
A Small Act, documenting a circle of lives impacted by global events and education, offers a perfect back-to-school movie.
Homa Tavangar's picture
Originally published at I've given Miley Cyrus's performance at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards a few days to digest. At first, I couldn't quite put my finger on what bothered me the most. Was it the bizarre way she kept sticking out her tongue? The Dances With Furries? Her stiff...
Carolyn Edgar's picture
What is a MomsRising Tweetchat? MomsRising tweetchats are opportunities to discuss core issue areas related to the economic security and well being of moms and families (like healthcare or food justice) by using a subject specific hashtag. We invite experts in the field to answer member questions,...
Nina Perez's picture
