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smiling mom holds her baby, forehead to forehead
“If I wasn't accepted for Medicaid, I honestly have no idea what I would do… I experienced postpartum depression after having my daughter. It was hard, but medical bills weren't a worry of mine because I was blessed with covered healthcare. I feel thankful for everything I have and everything that'...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Today is the last day of Black History Month and we have spent the past 28 days celebrating the amazing accomplishments of many notable activists, authors, advocates, and artists. This month we celebrated Toni Morrison, Audre Lorde, Coretta Scott King, Patrisse Khan -Cullors, Sonia Sanchez, Bayard...
Jacqueline Jackson's picture
Popcorn and BINGO with the President... all from the comfort of your living room! Want in? This Tuesday night (March 1st) at 9pm ET / 6pm PT President Joe Biden will be giving the 2022 State of the Union (SOTU). In order to make watching fun and powerful, we've created a BINGO card to help you...
Hanna's picture
The United States is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world. Major racial disparities exist where Black women lose their lives at 3 to 4 times the rate of white women due to maternity-related causes, independent of age, economic background, or education, a fact that has done unchanged for several decades.
Monifa Bandele's picture
We Are MomsRising
What is Reproductive Justice? Bodily autonomy. Fair treatment. Attainable and affordable healthcare access.
Diarra Diouf's picture
At MomsRising, our members taking action on-the-ground form a core part of our mission to create a more family friendly America. Being an active on-the-ground member of MomsRising means volunteering to lead or participate in on-the-ground actions. If you are interested and able to participate in...
Joy Ikekhua's picture
I waited. Some waits would potentially be a few weeks, while others were indefinite. One child care center stopped adding children to their waitlist through the end of 2021.
Selina Maldonado's picture
On Valentine's Day, we took to the street in the hope that Cupid's arrow would spark some care infrastructure love into the hearts of our U.S. Senators. We got together with the National Women's Law Center and with the help of Chalk R!ot, a Cocoa CareAVan, and candy hearts we spelled it out clearly and colorfully: Care. Can't. Wait.
MomsRising's picture
An overview of Reproductive Justice related federal and state policy updates. The Set Up… What seemed to move quickly towards the middle-end of last year, began as a slow burn.
Diarra Diouf's picture
Two parents with child looking at computer
On Tuesday, February 8th, MomsRising hosted an exciting bilingual #TaxRefund Tweetchat on Filing Taxes for the EITC, CTC, & Available Tax Credits for Families. We discussed getting families to file taxes for the upcoming tax season to receive tax credits like the EITC, the remaining amount of...
Hanna's picture
