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My father influenced the course of my life in two dramatic ways. Before I could read, he took me to the public library and read me all the Madeline and Babar the Elephant books. We must have spent hours and hours doing this – me on his lap, his chin resting lightly on the top of my head – because...
Valerie Young's picture
By Vibhuti Mehra, Labor Project for Working Families Last month, I wrote about a state-by-state analysis that ranked California as a leader among nearly all other states in the country because of its policies to support working parents. California was one of just two states to earn a grade of “A-”...
Vibhuti Mehra's picture
“Parenting isn’t easy, when done correctly,” one of my moms once told me. As somebody who is not (as far as I know) a parent, I can only ruminate on the challenges I watched my moms endure in raising my sister and me, but it seems to be an accurate observation. Though, to be fair, this is coming...
Zach Wahls's picture
The notion that instituting parental controls for Facebook’s underage users or creating a kid-friendly version will keep pre-teens off of the regular—or unrestricted—site is ridiculous. The 7.5 million children under the age of 13 who are lying to get on the site will continue lie with our without their parents’ permission. According to Microsoft research, only 35% of parents whose kids are on Facebook actually know about it.
Susan Linn's picture
Do you ever wonder what happens when we say that we’re going to hand deliver you stories, petitions, or signatures to elected leaders? We really do it and My 9-month-old daughter, who will be 45 by the time the wage gap closes if we don't act now, is quite upset the Paycheck Fairness Act failed...
Ruth Martin's picture
This week marks the 30th anniversary of the Plyler v. Doe Supreme Court ruling, a statute that embodies our belief as Americans that all children should have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. The ruling established that every child, regardless of their immigration status, is entitled...
Bruce Lesley's picture
Happy (almost) Father’s Day! Celebrate the dads in your life with nontoxic gifts and treats. With these easy tips, you can take toxic chemicals out of your Father’s Day BBQ, select or create your own luxurious nontoxic gifts, and wrap up your Father's Day presents in environmentally friendly,...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Does the thought of trying to get toxic chemicals out of your home make you want to run screaming in the opposite direction? BPA in cans, cancer-causing chemicals in baby shampoo, hormone disruptors in laundry detergent – do you start to get completely overwhelmed? What if we told you that detoxing...
Cassidy Randall's picture
"BPA-free" means safe, not linked to breast cancer , not estrogenic, in the clear, worry-free…right? Hardly. In March of this year, Campbell’s announced that it is getting rid of BPA, but the company is not disclosing what it plans to use instead. We need to know what's in the food our families eat...
Gretchen Lee Salter's picture
by Karen Davenport, Director of Health Policy, National Women's Law Center The major health insurers held a hot-ticket event yesterday – first United Healthcare announced that it would retain key patient protections and health coverage guarantees, no matter how the Supreme Court rules on the...
Thao Nguyen's picture
