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Bully is game changing in the way we think about and act on childhood bullying. What changes is the belief that bullying is simply a case of Kids Will Be Kids. Children are dying, and this movie tells the truth we don’t want to hear, but must hear.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Last Thursday an online tempest erupted when Hilary Rosen went on CNN to explain that she didn’t think Ann Romney was a worthy voice for America’s women because she “has actually never worked a day in her life.” The kerfluffle might seem familiar. Twenty years ago, Hillary Clinton came under fire...
Joan C. Williams's picture
I'll admit it, I enjoy self help books. Mind you, I include Drive and political autobiographies like Worlds Apart in my repertoire of consciousness expanding literature, I also hold shelf space for the likes of Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and poets like John O'Donohue. When I heard that my chapter "...
Lisa Labon's picture
There is no question that Hilary Rosen should have chosen her words more carefully when she said that Ann Romney, mother of five sons, " never worked a day in her life ." Raising children is work. It's immensely rewarding work, but it's work just the same. Ann Romney is justifiably proud of the...
Kristin's picture
There is no question that Hilary Rosen should have chosen her words more carefully when she said that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life.” As an organization representing moms of all political persuasions across the country and run by moms, we at MomsRising know well that raising children...
Kristin's picture
I've turned a deaf ear to the constant news about this "controversy" because I try to avoid getting too involved in faux controversies created by political strategists. I just wanted to say one thing. If people are going to use phrases like " Stay at home mothers are working," then they're going to...
Ali Smith's picture
By Devi Rao , Law Fellow Yesterday the National Women's Law Center hosted a tweetchat with women's health advocate Sandra Fluke and Law Students for Reproductive Justice . The chat provided a great opportunity for university students and employees to learn more about their contraceptive coverage under the health care law and the Obama Administration's proposed accommodation for religiously-affiliated employers. And although the actual chat conversation was lively and informative, unfortunately a few vocal "participants" attempted to "hijack" (their word) the chat and launch hostile, offensive, and sexist ad hominem attacks on Sandra Fluke and any person who dares to ask his or her school or employer to provide contraceptive coverage. (The worse examples of the comments can be found here .) So, apparently a woman who advocates for equality in health care exhibits "whorish behavior and a slutty lack of respect." Charming.
Thao Nguyen's picture
Can you imagine a world where our children, and their children's children, have access to plentiful, fresh, nutritious food? This question is not as flippant as it may sound. Food security is the single most important issue facing mankind today. The United States is no exception. Our food is making...
Laetitia Mailhes's picture
Danielle Garrett , Policy Analyst You may have heard about a new report claiming the Affordable Care Act will increase the deficit by $340 billion, rather than decreasing it by $143 as projected by the Congressional Budget Office. Now, there is a big difference between these two numbers, so you...
Thao Nguyen's picture
A few weeks ago, the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative hosted an informative Facebook chat with MomsRising about the Affordable Care Act. Here are a few commonly asked questions on pregnancy, kids, and health reform, with expert answers and resources from Ashley Wheeland from the Colorado...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
