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Fifteen months and 17 days. That’s how long it takes most women to earn what the average man makes in one calendar year. Seventy-seven cents to the dollar. That’s what women, on average, earn compared with men. Women stand by their male counterparts in corporate boardrooms, in operating rooms, and...
Mary Kay Henry's picture
There are stories of human pain and workers' rights abuses that are oftentimes ignored or simply never told. Through their labor, workers are fundamental to the prosperity of American society but they hardly receive bonuses, incentives, awards or medals for keeping the wheels of our economy turning...
Hector E. Sanchez's picture
I agree with those of you who were bothered last week by Hilary Rosen’s statement that ,“Ann Romney never worked a day in her life”. But I think I would have been ok if she only added two words - “for pay”. (That is assuming Ann Romney never has worked outside of her home for pay). Truth is that...
Carol Joyner's picture
Women's work. Last week, when Hilary Rosen used words she quickly admitted were poorly chosen, we were all reminded that it remains a huge flashpoint in our society. But there are some truisms that will hold even after the media frenzy and politically-motivated discourse subside. First, America's...
Debra Ness's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ While I hunted for those last elusive hidden eggs, writer and end-of-life issues expert Janice Lynch Schuster graciously permitted me to cross post her thoughtful piece about Bruce, Clarence...
Valerie Young's picture
I worked in a restaurant as a server earning $2.65 and could not afford to eat. Like many women across the country, I worked as a server at a neighborhood restaurant. During the year the job was fine, I made just enough money to cover my expenses. But when the summer came, even though I was working...
by Judy Molland Britain’s National Trust, an organization that preserves outdoor spaces as well as historic buildings in the UK, earlier this year announced a campaign to improve people’s links with nature and wildlife. Photo by Design by Nicola The Trust’s director general Fiona Reynolds said that...
care2's picture
Compassion & Choices member Persis Oberreither, by completing an advance directive, inspired her teenage daughter to do the same. Here she tells of the heartbreak – and comfort – of honoring her daughter’s wishes. AMY'S STORY In recognition of National Healthcare Decisions Day, I want to share...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
Hats off to this mother of three who got fed up and took charge. Thirteen years ago, Sofía Gatica's newborn died of kidney failure after being exposed to pesticides in the womb. After the despair came anger, then a fierce determination to protect the children in her community and beyond. Today, she...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Bully is game changing in the way we think about and act on childhood bullying. What changes is the belief that bullying is simply a case of Kids Will Be Kids. Children are dying, and this movie tells the truth we don’t want to hear, but must hear.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
