On Nov. 20, 2021, Momsrising Executive Director Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, National Women's Law Center President and CEO Fatima Goss Graves, and National Domestic Workers Alliance and Caring Across Generations Executive Director Ai-jen Poo published a must-read Opinion on CNN about the Build Back Better Act.
‘Tis the season for gratitude and MOMentum! In November, fired up by your relentless energy, generosity and kindness, the MomsRising community celebrated, observed, witnessed and asked, what's in your heart? Keep reading to learn more.
The word “thankful” isn’t big enough, bold enough, or broad enough to describe how I feel about the opportunity to work in this movement with you -- or the gratitude I feel for the way you’ve changed the nation for the better over the past couple of years... even though we’ve been in a pandemic when you’ve been busier and more stressed than ever.
Earlier this month, we asked the MomsRising community, how is your heart today? Hundreds of members responded, sharing their hopes, worries, angers and joys. In every submission, we can see that love and caring for others unites us, sustains us, and helps us keep rising for a brighter future.
There are just seven legislative days left on the Senate calendar before the end of the year. Act now and urge your U.S. Senators to act quickly to pass the BBB Act, including paid family/medical leave, before the end of the year.
“The free market works well in many different sectors, but childcare is not one of them. It does not work for the caregivers. It does not work for the parents. It does not work for the kids. And because it does not work for them, it does not work for the country."