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The Philadelphia paid sick leave bill faces determined opposition from the city’s business lobbies. The Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce predicts doom every step of the way, prophesying mass job losses, shuttered businesses, and slashed benefits. Sound familiar? It should. Business groups routinely...
People come to Studio 34: Yoga | Healing | Arts to find wellness and community. They work out in yoga classes, perhaps have a therapeutic massage, maybe meet other new mothers in a breastfeeding class. It’s wonderful to see so much activity, and it helps keep us all in good health. Yet everyone...
A new study for the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) estimates that Philadelphia’s proposed paid sick days legislation would cost employers between $350 million and $752 million annually. Both the factual basis and the assumptions underlying this study are seriously flawed. The...
Robert Drago's picture
The human reasons to ensure that all working Philadelphians are able to care for themselves and their ill loved ones are tremendously compelling. The public health rationale for enabling people with contagious diseases to stay home and avoid spreading it is impeccable. But in an era of high...
Philadelphia’s workers are hoping the city will soon take a critical step toward changing the way workplaces honor families. As early as June, the Philadelphia City Council could approve a law that provides workers the right to earn paid sick time to recover from illness or care for a family member...
Planning, preparation, prevention – it all comes with the territory of being a mom. We try to head off as many accidents and illnesses as we can; we child-proof, we carry hand sanitizer, and we teach our kids to wash their hands. But there is a big hole in our safety net: Two out of five – that’s...
Ruth Martin's picture
Para estas recetas en español, haga clic aquí. ( Photos from left to right : A kale and lentil pasta dish I make regularly; Having children -- like my daughter who is peeling the kale off the stalks -- is a good way to get children to eat their veggies.) Whenever I tell people that I cook only...
Elisa Batista's picture
This week is a very exciting one for the Food Revolution; this Friday not only see’s the return of Season 2 on ABC, but it is also Jamie’s birthday! Jamie’s birthday wish this year is to spark a Food Revolution and raise enough money to train 1,000 Food Revolutionaries. To get involved with Jamie’s...
Jamie Oliver's picture
Most of us can figure out ways to cutback on our energy consumption to reduce our expenditures at the gas pump but cutting back on health care is a bit trickier. We can’t very well stop our kids from getting sick and even if we could, it wouldn’t impact our premiums – insurers would just pocket the savings. But that’s about to change.
Say Ahhh's picture
I am writing this as I pack my suitcase and laptop bag to go to Sacramento for the 15th annual Immigrant Day at the Capitol. Buzzing around me are my three daughters, ages 8, 5 and 1. They ask questions ranging from the mundane to the profound. As I look at them, its clear to me why I am heading to...
Reshma Shamasunder's picture
