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Es importante que todos seamos cubiertos por un seguro médico: niños, adolescentes, adultos, ancianos, residentes y no residentes. A veces escucho a alguien decir que “fuí a buscar un seguro médico pero me dieron solo de emergencia.” ¿Por qué? “Porque mis hijos no son nacidos aquí. Que lástima,”...
Adriana Mandujano's picture
We hear a lot about the struggles modern parents face in juggling work and family needs. Meeting the demands of today’s 24-hour, blackberry-fueled workplace and still finding time for your kids (let alone time for yourself ) can seem next to impossible. But here’s the thing that should really scare...
Every clued-in business leader in America is now aware that workplace flexibility is a business imperative. Employees across all industries say their lives are increasingly complicated and the traditional workplace structure just doesn’t work for them anymore . They are demanding new options, so...
A British Mum discusses pre-toddler tantrums and why the challenge of balancing work and life in the USA is so much harder than in the UK - and concludes that if government and business did more to encourage decent part-time job opportunities America would be a less divided society.
The recently approved House budget for the remainder of FY 2011 and the Presidential budget for FY 2012 both include plans to reduce or eliminate funding to vital safety net and social support programs that provide critical assistance to low-income women and families. Though social spending...
My son, Ethan, has had a very unusual first four years of life. Most of his first year was spent in and out of the hospital, receiving out-patient chemotherapy, three sclerotherapies, and intensive physical therapy - all due to a rare, non-cancerous (but very harmful) vascular tumor on his lower...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Between the craziness of taking care of the kids, working, and the million other things every mom does every day, we too often put ourselves last. If you’re like us, you always plan to try to squeeze some time in for yourself or for a night out with your friends, but too often it doesn’t happen. We...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Black History has always been a big part of my life. My father was a history professor and specialized in African and African-American History. So you know Black History Month was like Halloween or Easter for my family – a big deal and a real commemoration of past, present and future. I still...
cheryl's picture
Everyone gets sick – but not everyone has time to get better. In Philadelphia, two out of every five workers who become ill (or whose kids become ill) have a terrible “choice” to make between the job they need and the family they love-all because they don’t have the opportunity to earn paid sick...
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ The new Congress has immediately taken up several pieces of legislation which will restrict women's ability to obtain safe abortions in certain circumstances and change the current law in...
Valerie Young's picture
