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Every seven seconds, a baby is born in the United States. Recent Census data suggest that more of these babies than ever before are born into poor families. Yet poverty, let alone the extremely high rate of childhood poverty, wasn’t part of the public discourse this election season. Poverty is...
Some of the most patriotic Americas I know are those who loved this country so much, they chose to become Americans. They do not take our country or our responsibilities for granted.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Ann Cooper isn't called "The Renegade Lunch Lady" for nothing. She calls it like it is, and she can because she's been there -- in the kitchens, in the schools, with the kids. Chef Ann, as she's called, was Nutrition Services Director for the Berkeley school district in California from 2005 to 2009...
Lisa Frack's picture
The 18th biannual Institute of Politics survey is out. It reports that Millenials (18-29 year olds) are significantly less enthusiastic about the electoral process now than they were just nine months ago. Only 35 percent of students report that they will definitely express themselves when 100...
Despite media speculation about the "weary working woman" not making it to the polls, we are definitely casting our ballots! If the MomsRising map filled with pledges to vote is any indication, moms, dads, grandparents and caregivers are heading to the polls in droves this election. Neither rain...
Anita's picture
With the election nearly upon us, it's almost impossible to pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV without hearing about the Tea Party. What began as a collection of protests in early 2009 has exploded into a runaway political movement, with all American eyes fixed on the Party's candidates in...
Parents have enough on their plate without having to worry about exposing their children to dangerous chemicals in everyday items that should be safe. Yet cans of chicken soup or a sippy cup filled with milk could very well be contaminated. Bisphenol A (BPA), a man-made chemical, is used in...
Earlier this fall, the national news lit up when an attorney employed by a mortgage loan servicer admitted to “robo-signing” thousands and thousands of fraudulent affidavits – documents signed under the penalty of perjury – that illegitimately pushed families into foreclosure. Loan servicers are...
Want to help prove the Wall Street Journal wrong about moms? Here's what a piece they recently ran said about moms voting: "Now, apparently, mothers are just really tired. The recession has slammed our families, we’re working harder than ever and we no longer care much about voting." The piece went...
Kristin's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ I was at Rutgers University on October 19th for the "What Mothers Want" conference and it was a mamapalooza of the first order. It'd be hard to say who was the more interesting - the experts...
Valerie Young's picture
