There is a brand new radio episode for Breaking Through this week, in which Kristin and guests cover the campaign for One Fair wage, getting rid of the tipped minimum wage, and moving to a $15 minimum wage for everyone. They also cover how YOU can help save democracy; as well as the fight for paid leave for EVERYONE and what you can do to help pass this national policy. #PAIDLEAVESUMMER
They close the show covering youth and family justice and the steps we need to take to move toward justice.
*Special guests include: Saru Jayaraman, One Fair Wage, @onefairwage; Ria Thompson Washington, Center for Popular Democracy - Declaration for American Democracy, @popdemoc; Dawn Hucklebridge, Paid Leave For All, @PaidLeaveforAll; Beatriz Beckford, MomsRising, @MomsRising
You can listen on Spotify, iTunes and and TuneIn whereever podcasts are available!
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