Baby Non-Toxic Shopping Guide
It’s here! Women’s Voices for the Earth’s first-ever Baby Non-Toxic Shopping Guide was just released, right in time for all of those spring babies to make their appearance.
We really have to watch out for babies because they are especially vulnerable to chemicals
- Babies’ immune systems and organs are still developing, and some chemicals may interfere with those processes.
- Babies breathe more often and more deeply, and consume more food and water per pound than adults, increasing their exposure risk to toxic chemicals in the environment.
- Babies crawl on the floor and put so many things in their mouths, exposing them to more unwanted chemicals than adults.
Unfortunately, lots of baby products can contain toxic chemicals linked to cancers, reproductive harm, birth defects, asthma, learning disabilities, and other serious health problems. But how are you supposed to know which products contain these harmful ingredients? You shouldn’t have to have a Ph.D. to find the safest products for your little one.
That’s why we went straight to the experts. Our Baby Non-Toxic Shopping Guide has suggestions from the heroines of the non-toxic movement on their favorite picks for safer baby products, including:
- Baby Feeding: Gigi Lee Chang, Healthy Child Healthy World
- Baby Personal Care: Jennifer Taggart, The Smart Mama
- Breastfeeding: Penelope Jagessar Chaffer, Toxic Baby Movie
- Car Seats: Jennifer Canvasser, HealthyStuff.org
- Diapering: Kristen Conn, Mighty Nest
- Mattresses: Bobbi Chase, Wilding, Clean & Healthy New York
- Nursery: Alicia Voorhies, The Soft Landing
- Pregnancy Personal Care: Elizabeth Wasserman, True Goods
- Strollers & Carriers: Green Sisterhood
- Toys: Kimberly Pinkson, EcoMom Alliance
- Plus an extra resource on having a non-toxic birth!
Download the Non-Toxic Baby Shopping Guide now, and then share it with three other moms you know! After all, women make almost 85 percent of consumer decisions, and when we support companies making safe products, we have the power to shift the entire marketplace.
Happy browsing!
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