Brand New Breaking Through Episode: Building Back Better NOW!
On the radio show this week, we cover the transformational changes in the Build Back Better package including how it needs to move through Congress ASAP, and how if passed as written now millions of people would be positively impacted. If passed as is, the package would provide people with four weeks of paid family/medical leave, child care bills will be cut in half for most families, free pre-school will be open to every three- and four-year old, 35 million families will receive the fully refundable Child Tax Credit, access to high-quality home care will be expanded for older Americans and people with disabilities.
It doesn’t end there! This new package would also lead to measures that address racial health disparities and end the Black maternal health crisis will be put in place, health care access will be improved and prescription drug prices reduced, millions of good jobs will be created, wages lifted for care workers, and lasting protections finally put in place for immigrants.
*Special guests include: Ai-jen Poo, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Caring Across Generations, @aijenpoo; Elizabeth Keenan, award-winning author, including of her latest book Rebel Girls, @badcoverversion; Monifa Bandele, Times Up Now @TimesUpNow and MomsRising, @MonifaBandele; and Laura Guerra-Cardus, Children’s Defense Fund, @CDFTexas
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