The Road Traveled & The Road Ahead
Breaking Through: The Road Traveled & The Road Ahead!
We are back with a fresh show for a brand new year! Welcome 2021!
This week on #BreakingThrough Kristin and guests cover white insurrectionism, the ties between white supremacy and gun violence, and analyze what happened at the U.S. Capitol and why we need still accountability; including for Trump to be convicted by the US Senate.
They also cover the wins in Georgia, how the state was flipped, and what you as MomsRising members can do to protect democracy.
Tune in now to hear about the road ahead with the Biden administration, the solutions we can help push through together, and why it’s important to stay engaged.
To close out the show, guests talk about the importance of ending structural racism in policing and getting counselors in schools, not cops.
*Special guests include:
Joshua Horwitz, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, @CSGV
Tamieka Atkins, ProGeorgia, @TamiekaAtkinsGA
Donna Norton, MomsRising, @MomsRising
Beatriz Beckford, MomsRising National Director ,@BeatrizBeckford @MomsRising
Listen wherever podcasts are available or click the link below!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6O6VnFNudubZtnYFakbDJH?si=OIUIRHdVR4aXANcBHZkadQ
TuneIn: http://tun.in/tk4jaG
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