Let’s talk about some moments of motherhood that aren’t covered in the Hallmark cards.
Like that time my baby spit up all over my face, and maybe in my mouth a little (SO GROSS!)? Or the times at work when I had to pump breastmilk in my car instead of in my sleek office?
On that last part, I know I’m not alone: Right now 60% of moms find themselves pumping in their cars, bathroom stalls, utility closets or other makeshift, make-it-work places. It shouldn’t have to be that way and working together we can help change it!
I still vividly recall those walks, breast pump in hand, to and from the car. It was both stressful and shameful that the only place available to pump was my car, but that walk was necessary because my office space had no place for me to use my breast pump.
So it was pumping in the car or nothing (the bathroom was NOT a consideration).
Not ideal to say the least.
That’s why MomsRising is thrilled to share that we’ve launched #IPumpedHere, a “laugh (so you don’t cry) and then demand change” campaign to bring breastfeeding women out of the bathroom stalls, inside from the cars, and into the pumping rooms they deserve.
Here’s how it works! #IPumpedHere sheds light on the challenges breastfeeding moms face while pumping. The campaign features awesome videos and dedicated social media channels encouraging women to share their pumping horror stories with the campaign hashtag. The website also features information about pumping rights. It enables visitors to share information and resources with employers and advocates, and sign a petition for lawmakers.
Working mothers who are breastfeeding need support, not further obstacles! And as we come together to demand change, we’re going to have some fun doing it.
You can get your free #IPumpedHere sticker and then slap the (removable!) sticker on the wall or a surface where you’re pumping – whether it’s a less than ideal location, or a pumping palace! Snap a pic with your phone, post it to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and hashtag it with #IPumpedHere.
We’ll collect all the images and use them to help push for change.
Because right now many moms plan to nurse but hit seemingly insurmountable hurdles when they return to work—and three-quarters of moms are either the primary or co-breadwinner these days, returning to work is a big deal. Sadly returning to work is too often a significant barrier to breastfeeding, putting moms at risk.
The simple truth is that not everyone has the time or place to pump. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), women that work an hourly job and some salaried workers must be provided with a reasonable break time to express breast milk up to one year after birth and a place, other than a bathroom, where she can pump.
This excludes millions of breastfeeding moms and, with talks of the ACA being repealed, things could get dicey for everyone.
We want to bring awareness to the situation that so many working mothers find themselves in. And then we want to raise our voices, and our cameras in unison, to make sure that we are supporting all of our working mothers. Are you in?
The first step is to take action here: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/support_all_breastfeeding_working_moms....
And the second step is to be sure to visit #IPumpedHere to watch the video, learn more, get your sticker and share with friends!
Together we can bring women out of the bathroom stalls and into the pumping rooms they deserve! What do you say?
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