Congress is only a few days into its new session and already vital health programs like Medicaid are in jeopardy.
Without strong public support, the new Congress may take steps to fundamentally weaken Medicaid, a program that provides health coverage to one in three low-income children and to 70 percent of all nursing home residents. Medicaid is a critical support for families, especially those of us who are caring for children, have aging parents, or have family members with disabilities.
*Write your members of Congress TODAY and tell them to “Protect Medicaid from cuts and harmful changes that reduce access to this successful health program for families across the country.” http://action.momsrising.org/sign/ProtectMedicaid/
Your letters will help us keep Medicaid funding off the chopping block before any momentum for negative change gets underway in Congress.
Why is Medicaid so important? Overall, Medicaid provides health coverage for approximately 68 million people, including 1 in 3 children, low-income pregnant women, children and adults with disabilities and chronic illnesses, and the elderly.
Last year, the House of Representatives Budget Committee proposed massive changes to Medicaid that would have resulted in a 24% cut in funding, causing millions of people to be kicked off the program. We can expect similar proposals this year, with an even tougher fight.
Medicaid coverage not only helps those enrolled but it’s a critical support to entire families. Here are some stories that show how Medicaid improves the lives of families:
"My mother-in-law suffers from Alzheimer’s. She was rapidly declining until she received Medicaid, which pays for her daycare. Her daycare has others like her who she can talk to and spend time with, instead of staying home all day. Without Medicaid we believe she would be much worse.”- Joyce in Maryland
“My son was born 6 weeks prematurely and luckily we had health insurance with good coverage for his 3-week stay in the NICU. However, he needed a year’s physical therapy and later occupational/nutritional therapy to catch up his development and growth. Without the help of Medicaid, those additional expenses NOT covered by our private insurance would have put our family into debt we can’t afford right now. I never thought I’d need Medicaid, but it got us through a difficult spot.”- Jennifer in Pennsylvania
“Being a single parent of two wonderful kids, medical coverage would be out of the question for my kids. My place of employment doesn’t offer medical insurance unless you are a full-time employee. Without Medicaid me and my children wouldn’t be able to have the medical attention that is needed in case of injury or everyday well child check ups. Medicaid is needed in my household in order for us to be able to be productive citizens.”-Rolanda in Kentucky
We can’t let this important health program become a political football in this new Congress. Our families deserve better than that! If Congressional leadership get their way, costs for Medicaid will be shifted to the states and major changes will be made that will reduce coverage for all Medicaid recipients—young and old alike.
**Join us in writing your members of Congress today and tell them to protect Medicaid for the millions of moms, kids, and families rely on it for healthcare. http://action.momsrising.org/sign/ProtectMedicaid/
We need your help standing up for the right of all Americans to be able to get the medical care they need, when they need it. Once you take action, please forward this blog to your friends and family, and post this link to Facebook and Twitter in order to encourage more people to take action: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/ProtectMedicaid/.
Together we are a powerful voice for children and families!
P.S. We need your help convincing Congress to protect Medicaid and your stories can help! Do you or one of your loved ones benefit from Medicaid? Has your family used Medicaid in the past? If so, we want to hear from you: https://www.momsrising.org/member_stories/topic/share-your-medicaid-story-with-momsrising/
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