Did you miss the CareAVan?
On Valentine's Day, we took to the street in the hope that Cupid's arrow would spark some care infrastructure love into the hearts of our U.S. Senators.
The situation right now is truly heartbreaking, as an article by The Century Foundation points out: “Families with young children have been hit especially hard during the COVID-19 pandemic: they have had to face not only all the labor market disruptions but also all the child care and schooling disruptions. We can and we must do better. Passing these policies isn't just the right thing to do, it's the smart thing to do for families, businesses, and our economy. Put simply: a child care and pre-k system is needed so parents can go to work, so children can thrive, so care workers can earn living wages, and so businesses can prosper and not be understaffed. These are win-win policies for families and our economy!
We got together with the National Women's Law Center and with the help of Chalk R!ot, a Cocoa CareAVan, and candy hearts we spelled it out clearly and colorfully:
Care. Can't. Wait.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all the #childcare workers who are the backbone of our families & entire economy.
Come grab some free hot cocoa from @nwlc & @MomsRising at Lincoln Park in DC and take a moment to sign our love letter to caregivers. pic.twitter.com/DzDN0XiKK4— Melissa Boteach (@mboteach) February 14, 2022
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