Families across the country (just like yours!) have been uplifting the fact that our child care system is broken - well before the COVID-19 pandemic exasperated the problem over two years ago.
In response, MomsRising was joined by many of our incredible members and partners this past May to advocate for high-quality, affordable childcare & pre-K for all families. Look below for a summary of all the exciting digital activities we worked on and join our call to action to expand childcare!
Monday, May 2nd: Worthy Wage Day
“Child care providers are paid poverty-level wages, roughly $12.24/hour, below minimum wage in many states, and nowhere near a livable wage. We need Congress to make meaningful investments in child care. #WorthyWageDay” - @MomsRising
Thursday, May 5th: Ad Campaign: Child Care is Part of America’s Infrastructure
“Ashley, an electrician from West Virginia & mother of 7, is one of many workers who participated in an ad campaign on the need to expand investments in #childcare w/ @OxfamAmerica, @NABTU, @SEIU, @nwlc, & @CLASP_DC. Read our blog post to learn more! https://www.momsrising.org/blog/ad-campaign-child-care-is-part-of-americas-infrastructure” - @MomsRising
Friday, May 6th: Provider Appreciation Day
“Child care is the very backbone of our economy, a public good that all of us benefit from whether or not we have young children, and child care providers are the heart of this, thank you for all that you do for our families! #ThankYouChildcare” - @MomsRising
Saturday, May 7th: #MOMibuster uplifting moms, caretakers, organizations, and leaders across the nation to uplifting care infrastructure policies like expanding childcare
"The first-ever #MOMibuster is happening RIGHT NOW. Moms, dads, parents, leaders, and caregivers across the nation are sharing their care stories and calling on elected leaders to build the care infrastructure we deserve. Join us: https://moms.ly/3Ped4jg” - @MomsRising
Monday, May 9th: #DayWithoutChildcare
“We're proud to join @communitychange for #DayWithoutChildcare to call for investments so that childcare educators get paid living, family-sustaining wages, AND families can access affordable quality #childcare! @eceonthemove” - @MomsRising
Friday, May 13th - onward: Baby #FormulaShortage Updates
“THREAD: We want all families to make informed decisions during this #formulashortage crisis. Here is a list of the DOs to follow to safely provide formula to #feedyourbaby!” - @MomsRising
“THREAD: The #formulashortage emergency is a scary time for many families. We want to provide you with some guidance on the DON'Ts for formula to make sure you make the safest choice for your baby!” - @MomsRising
Tuesday, May 31: Quality ECE Webinar
“Who gets to decide what quality looks like? Join our Campaign Director @dianalimongi and other ECE expert panelists in a conversation about addressing inequities within early childhood quality measurement systems. RSVP now and join us on May 31st at 1pm ET!” - @MomsRising
U.S Senators are considering a child care proposal right now, led by Senators Patty Murray of Washington State and Tim Kaine of Virginia, that would help over 1 million new kids and families find and afford child care, as well as help childcare workers. Sign our petition to tell your Senator to invest in affordable, high-quality child care and Pre-K for our families through reconciliation!
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