Three years ago, we connected over a cold email. Both of us were baffled by the same question - we’ve been covering the issues of food and diet for 30 years and we were still baffled by why the problem keeps getting worse. Why is this?”
Within a week, we were sitting with Stephanie Soechtig, and FED UP had started.
We had thought we knew a lot about food, but there are things in this movie that neither of us had a clue about. When you watch it, we hope you have the same experience. We were so surprised by the extent to which the film lays out the case that we, as a nation, are addicted to sugar.
Sugar is addictive - it hides behind 56 different names in all kinds of foods. It’s everywhere and we all crave it, but we can cut down on our consumption if we take it on together. Sugar is added to food for one reason only - to make it taste better and make you eat more of it. When you consume too much you want more, which makes you buy more of the food industry’s products. Better for them. Bad for you.
Fed Up is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see because everything we’ve been told about food and exercise is dead wrong. The truth is by 2050, 1 in 3 Americans will have diabetes. It’s a shocking realization that this may be the first generation of children expected to lead shorter lives than their parents.
If we're going to reverse this dangerous course we're on, we'll need to throw out the conventional wisdom and challenge ourselves to change the way we eat. The future of our nation depends on us taking action in our homes, schools, communities and workplaces.
No one knows this better than Mom’s Rising. The inspiring work that mother’s across the country are doing to change the way we, and our children especially, eat fits perfectly with the message of Fed Up - namely, we need to cut the added sugar from our nation’s diet.
We need your help. We need people to see Fed Up, learn what's in their food, and join us on our challenge to cut sugar from our diets. Together we can force the food industry and the federal government to confront the greatest public health crisis of our time.
In unison with the film release, we’re launching the FED UP Challenge to help jumpstart this change on a national level. Starting May 12th, join us as we take the Fed UP Challenge and cut added sugar from our diets for 10 days.
During the challenge, we’ll be sharing daily pictures and thoughts along our journey to get real about food. Join this vital conversation, and us, by posting with the hashtag #FedUpChallenge and help us make this a national movement to change our homes, schools, workplaces, and communities. And don't come alone! Bring your local PTA, community group, congregation, or other organization.
Make sure you sign-up at www.fedupmovie.com and then follow us on Twitter & Instagram @FedUpMovie. We’ll be sharing our daily experiences, challenges and discoveries online, and we hope you will too!
Check out the FED UP trailer today. Check out FedUpMovie.com for more details.
Join Laurie David (@Laurie_David) and @FedUpMovie for our #FoodFri chat on Friday, May 16th at 1 pm ET.
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