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Consumers have a right to know which nutritional products contain GMOs so they can make informed decisions, especially when it comes to our most vunerable - infants. One of the widest used infant formulas, often given free at the hospital, Similac infant formula. Abbot Labororatories, the maker of Similac infant formula, has been resistant to remove or label GMOs in its products. This is a huge concern. GMOs, or Genetically Modified Organisms, have been shown to cause cancer, obesity, and allergies.
Join #FoodFri on April 10, 2015 with @MomsRising and @AsYouSow to better understand what GMOs are, how they are used in our food supply, and why it's important to promote awareness.
Let's raise our voices! Abbot claims that they do not see the demand for non-GMO products. Let's show them there is! Why? Because we have a right to know!
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More about our #FoodFri Featured Panelist(s):
As You Sow is a non-profit organization that promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies. Our efforts create large-scale systemic change by establishing sustainable and equitable corporate practices.
As You Sow was founded on the belief that many environmental and human rights issues can be resolved by increased corporate responsibility. As investor representatives, we communicate directly with corporate executives to collaboratively develop and implement business models that reduce risk, benefit brand reputation, and protect long term shareholder value while simultaneously bringing about positive change for the environment and human rights.
To learn more about As You Sow, head on over to their website, www.asyousow.org. You can also follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
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