Getting Settled In...
Have a second? We want to deliver a short "to-do" note to Congress from YOU next week. "What!?" and "Why?" might be going through your mind right now. Well, we have a good reason: Right now Congress is starting the 112thsession, members of Congress are still getting settled in, and many are strategizing what they'd like "to do" this session. We want to set an example of bipartisan spirit by presenting a positive welcoming message to all members of Congress next week.
And, there's no better time to introduce ourselves and give Congress a warm welcome by sharing messages from parents across the nation (That's you!) reminding leaders to keep kids and families at the top of their "to-do" list for this session--along with giving each of them a handy-dandy "to-do" notepad so our issues stay top of mind (or top of desk at least!), which says: 112th Congress - MomsRising wishes you a MOMumental Year!
Yes, you read that right: We're delivering all of this next week!
Can you quickly add your short welcome and "to-do" note now? The clock is ticking for us to gather all the notes together in time for delivery. To make it easy, there are sample notes to spark your ideas when you click here:
Why note-pads with notes from parents, anyway? As moms we’re experts in multi-tasking. For example, just this week, one of us was cooking dinner while on a work conference call and watching an 18 month-old color at the table. Heck, she even remembered to feed the cats, pay some bills, and unload the dishwasher. But none of us could keep it all together and remember all of our priorities without our trusty “to-do” lists.
So, we know that members of Congress need "to-do" lists too -- and, of course these "to-do" lists should prioritize families at the very top!
Our notes and notepads will remind Congress that in a tough economy, kids and families matter more than ever--and that policies which promote family economic security (like family leave, paycheck fairness, paid sick days, as well as access to health care and early learning/childcare) benefit everyone in America.
Your voice – and your note - is important. Sure, loud pin-striped-suited-lobbyists may abound in Washington, DC, but those corporate lobbyists don’t hold a candle to notes from thousands of parents like you.
Can you quickly add your short "to-do" note now and help set the tone for a bipartisan spirit of cooperation this session? It's a quick way to help make sure that prioritizing families are at the top of every member of Congresses' "to-do" list for the 112th session. Send a quick note with a welcome and "to-do" message to Congress now!
*And please make sure to share this with your friends and family so they can sign on too. (The red "Share" link below makes it easy!)
Together we’re a powerful force for women and families.
P.S. Want to get more involved with MomsRising? We're seeking volunteers who will work with us to bring more moms together online and through local events. Learn more and sign up here:
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