#GivingTuesdayNow: Support MomsRising’s fight for COVID-19 relief
Moms’ leadership and power has never been more critical, more needed, and more necessary as we enter another month of uncertainty as a nation. In fact, MomsRising has turned up the volume even more on the issues we fight for every day: paid family/medical leave, expanded unemployment insurance, food and nutrition support, paid sick days, healthcare reform, childcare support, criminal justice reform, and more.
Together, our voices have ensured these issues are front and center in every legislative package before Congress—and we will keep fighting until our nation’s policies reflect the contributions and needs of every family, in this moment and forever!
Today is #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving and unity in response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. Would you donate to MomsRising and support our work centering the needs of mothers and families during this critical time?
Working closely with our members, MomsRising’s advocacy has been powerful and effective. Here are just a few examples of our impact:
WE WIN: What You Need to Know About the New Federal Emergency Paid Leave
Big News! Thanks to MomsRising’s longtime, fierce advocacy, along with other organizations, Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. For the first time ever, our nation has a *limited*, nation-wide, paid sick days and paid family leave law in place during the COVID-19 crisis.
WE SUPPORT: COVID-19 Support Programs Webinar
COVID-19 emergency support programs now exist, but they can be complicated and confusing, so MomsRising has been getting the word out about how to access them (you can learn more about the new supports via the link above). Thousands of people signed up for MomsRising’s webinar about how to access the programs, and the above link has the resources shared during the webinar, the webinar itself, as well as a Q&A section responding to questions submitted by participants. This valuable resource provides clear guidance on the nuts and bolts of applying for assistance and on the state of play on paid sick days/paid family leave, unemployment insurance, nutrition assistance, and the impacts of these programs on immigrant families.
WE EMPOWER AND CELEBRATE MOTHERS: Dedicate Your Mother’s Day Donation
Mother’s Day is just a few days away, prompting the MomsRising team to do a virtual big group hug.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the fact that, though we are all in the same storm, some of us are safer than others, and it’s time to circle around our most vulnerable. Because we are MomsRising, we're in this together with you and with all mothers and families, and we stand up for ourselves and for each other.
As Mother's Day approaches, your donation would not only support our work but also help us celebrate our community. You can honor or memorialize a mom you love with your gift by using this special, dedicated link, and if you like, we’ll send an e-card of your choice announcing your gift.
Thank you for being part of the MomsRising movement and being “in this together.”
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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