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We're at a critical juncture in our fight for Family Leave Insurance -- a hurdle that, if we don't jump it, will kill the bill. Right now our bill is stuck in the legislative process because it hasn't been scheduled for a hearing by the Assembly Labor Committee. This committee will have only a few more chances to bring this bill up for a vote so it can be heard by the full Assembly. Right now they, along with Assembly leadership, hold the cards for the future of Family Leave Insurance in New Jersey. You can help.

Ask the Assembly Labor Committee - Where is Family Leave Insurance? Using the simple script below, call them (one or all of them!), and the Assembly leadership today to ask them, will they give Family Leave Insurance a chance to be heard this year? Even if you've already contacted your legislators, they need to hear from us again.

***Did you make the call? Tell us what they said!*** Below, in the text box, type in the response you got from the Assembly members you called--make sure to include their name so we can track their positions. After you type in your response, hit "submit". your reply should appear right below this blog entry.

Ready to make a call? Read the directions below and, don't forget to post the responses here.

Act now. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Step 1: Call a committee member or the speaker at the number below.
Step 2: Use the phone script when you talk to their staff.
Step 3: Tell us what they said on our blog at

Call. Below are the phone numbers for the offices of the Labor Committee members and Assembly leadership. When you call them, you can use the script below to ask them if they will give Family Leave Insurance the fair chance to be heard and voted on by the full Assembly, or if their committee will be the place this bill stops. And, make sure they know that when they do pass this bill out of committee, small business employees need to be included in the insurance program.

Phone numbers (Call one or more--it's up to you.):
Asm. Speaker Joseph J. Roberts Jr. -- (856) 742-7600
*Asm Nelson T. Albano (856) 293-8353
*Committe Chair Asm. Joseph V. Egan -- (732) 249-4550
Asm Neil Cohen -- (908) 624-0880
Aswm Sheila Oliver -- (973) 395-1166
Asm Guy Gregg -- (973) 584-5422
Asm Michael Doherty -- (908) 835-0552
*Asm Jeff Van Drew -- (856) 293-8353 and (856) 696-7109
*Asm Fred Scalera -- (973) 667-4431

*These Assembly members cosponsored the Family Leave Insurance bill. Make sure to thank them for their work.

What to say when you call:
Hi, I'm a member of and a New Jersey resident. I am calling to find out if [Asm. name] will support scheduling a vote on Family Leave Insurance in the Labor Committee this year. Will the Assemblymember support the passage of this bill out of committee this year?

And, just a follow up question, will [Asm name] leave the bill intact with no amendment leaving small business employees out of the program?

Thank you for your time. Please support family leave insurance for all working families in New Jersey.

(If nobody answers the phone, please leave a message that you support family leave insurance.)

Blog all about it!
After you talk to the staff person, go online to
and tell us what they said! We'll keep an eye on the blog to make sure those who support the legislation get full credit and recognition for their work and to help share information about potential roadblocks to the bill's passage this year!

Believe it or not, taking a moment to call your the Assembly Labor Committee to ask for their help pushing this bill out of the committee will make a big difference.

Your help is essential to the passage of this legislation. Thank you for all you do.

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