![[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]](https://www.momsrising.org/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/weekly%20blog%20round%20up.jpg?itok=dgh0BJvo)
#GoodNews This Week: In This Together, Justice For Ahmaud, Paid Leave
The MomsRising community amplified the voices and concerns of mothers, sharing stories of child care and paid leave, and justice for the mother, friends and family of Ahmaud Arbery.
VOICES: MomsRising Member Kelly Newman Shares Her #PaidLeave Story in The New York Times
“Knowing that my family is not going to be swallowed up in this tsunami of financial ruin, it’s huge. Having that emergency leave could allow me that emotional bandwidth to get it together in other ways.” - MomsRising member Kelly Newman in The New York Times, May 21, 2020
ACTION: Demand Justice for Ahmaud
As moms, families and caregivers: We demand justice for Ahmaud Arbery, and accountability for the public officials who failed him, his family, and the people of Georgia. We call for the removal of the district attorneys and the sheriff who failed in their duties to Ahmaud, his family, and the people of Georgia.
INSTA OF THE WEEK: Siobhan is #InThisTogether
Watch the Instagram video here
MEDIA SPOTLIGHT: Preschools and childcare might reopen soon. Should you send your kid?
Photo by @juanencalada on Unsplash
"Families are worried. They don't know when this is going to end, and they're wondering if they need to leave their jobs. They're also worried that if they talk to their employers about how they are struggling, their employers, if they end up downsizing, might let them go." - MomsRising Early Childhood National Campaign Director Nina Perez, CNN Health, May 16, 2020
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