Exciting news! Dr. Anthony Fauci recently joined us to answer MamásConPoder / MomsRising member questions about the COVID-19 vaccines and we need your help to spread the word.
What’s happening? Dr. Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH, and the chief medical advisor to President Biden. He joined us to answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccines that have come straight from our members.
In fact, Dr. Fauci answered questions straight from MamásConPoder / MomsRising members like, “Why is it important for everyone who can to get the Covid-19 vaccine?” and “How is the Latinx community doing in terms of getting vaccinated?”
Please join us for this informative (and FUN!) conversation where you’ll get important and relevant info for moms and kids about the COVID-19 vaccines—and help us spread the word!
Watch and share this important video for moms and kids about COVID-19 vaccines.
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