SEIU Build Back Better March
It’s Time To Deliver: Build Back Better Now
Tuesday, MomsRising marched with Service Employees International Union (SEIU), care workers and advocates escalating their demand for Congress to pass Build Back Better this week. Care work spans all the stages of life from child care to elderly care and those who do it carry the invisible load of ensuring our loved ones are taken care of. They deserve the dignity of fair wages and those in need of care should have access to it .
Here are some memorable moments from the event:
BREAKING: Hundreds of care workers from across the country are in D.C. right now to make sure our elected officials #BuildBackBetter.
RT to show solidarity! #CareIsEssential #InvestInCare #CareCantWait pic.twitter.com/4V9gWcXD6T— SEIU (@SEIU) November 16, 2021
"We cannot #BuildBackBetter unless we respect the dignity and work of our workers." Thank you, @SpeakerPelosi for fighting for working people and an investment in care! #CareCantWait #CareIsEssential pic.twitter.com/2uAm97HFG6 — SEIU (@SEIU) November 16, 2021
Jose Hernandez gave a powerful testimony as a care consumer on the importance of care workers in his life and the life of many others who depend on home care.
"En el apogeo de la pandemia, ustedes fueron esenciales para mantenernos vivos y seguros". José Hernández, hablando sobre los trabajadores de atención domiciliaria. #CareIsEssential #CareCantWait #BuildBackBetter pic.twitter.com/XERmxzjSkm — MamásConPoder (@MamasConPoder) November 16, 2021
Senator Chuck Schumer spoke about the importance of each and every part of the Build Back Better bill.
"We must keep home-based communities in the bill. We must keep child care in the bill. We must keep all the good things that help people." @SenSchumer #CareIsEssential #CareCantWait #BuildBackBetter pic.twitter.com/NSZ11R3pks — MomsRising (@MomsRising) November 16, 2021
"Lawmakers seem to talk all the time about budgets and deficits, and not enough about the ways families struggle without the care infrastructure that would support our physical, mental, and financial well-being." -Bobbi Linskens
Urge your representative to vote YES on Build Back Better.
Call 1-855-976-1895 or Text YesBBB to 747464
"This crucial bill is a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet the needs of families."
-Rep. Grace Meng
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