Join us for a #HealthJustice tweetchat this Friday
This Friday at 11:00 AM PT/ 2:00 PM ET, MomsRising will co-host a tweet chat in collaboration with a number of national organizations, including:
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum * Black Women’s Health Imperative * Center for American Progress * Families USA * League of United Latin American Citizens * MomsRising * National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum * National Center for Lesbian Rights * National Council of La Raza * National Gay and Lesbian Task Force * National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health * National Women’s Law Center * Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need * Service Employees International Union
This tweet chat is your chance to understand what the Supreme Court's decision on the health care law means for the health care justice movement, especially for children, women, people of color, LGBTQ folks, low-income people, and other underserved groups. Advocates, organizers, and consumers will have an opportunity to learn about the implications of this decision in more depth and will be able to ask questions, get advice for organizing in their community, and share resources from a wide range of participating organizations.
WHERE: On Twitter at the hashtag #HealthJustice
WHEN: Friday, June 29, 11:00 AM PT/2:00 PM ET to 12:30 PM PT/3:30 PM ET.
To join the chat live. follow #HealthJustice on Twitter. You can also follow #HCRdecision to get updates all week long.
Please help us spread the word about this exciting conversation with your friends, family, and colleagues! Tweet it, post it, and send it! Thanks!
Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
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