During May's #KeepMarching meeting, we dove deep into what the hunger cliff is and why so many people are struggling to put food on the table. We also learned what Congress is doing to address the hunger cliff and how we can support families who are experiencing hunger crises.
We are very grateful to North Carolina Congresswoman Alma Adams, a huge anti-hunger champion who has just introduced legislation to get food to more families in need; Gina Plata-Nino, Deputy SNAP Director at the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC); and MomsRising super volunteer Kyler Daniels, a NC mom who shared how SNAP supported her family and how the hunger cliff impacts her for joining us. We’re even more grateful to every participant who shared their story in the chat.
I. In case you missed the meeting, or would like to review any part of the program, no problem, we recorded it! https://www.momsrising.org/watchhcliff (Passcode: c7M4Uqh@)
II. Participant Comments
We had people joining from the far corners of the country -- from Riverdale, Georgia, to Merrick, New York, and from Kansas City, Kansas, to Richmond, Virginia. The conversation was informative, eye-opening, and highly engaged. Here are just a few of the many valuable stories, comments, and questions that participants shared in the simultaneous chatroom:
Lakisha (43:12): I really feel u cause they cut me off [SNAP] also
Laura (44:20): Thank you Kyler for being so open and honest. I can relate.
Nicole H (56:34): YES! As a mom of 3 and a college student it’s so difficult but incredibly important for all college students to be able to access these benefits. I’ve seen many other students who just “go without” because they can’t afford the meal plan or the increased food prices around campus.
Nicole (58:10): Thank you Kyler. Your story makes Moms just like us continue to rise....And still we rise!
Priscilla (01:05:08): Thank you everyone for sharing the important stories and the importance of SNAP for families that struggle to feed their families and themselves! It’s so important to reach out to the people in charge and stand up and speak out!!
Roseann (01:05:26):Thank you all for sharing. Thank you Congresswoman Adams for the encouragement and for telling us who to call.
Angel (01:12:03): I read the congress plan and it is shameful, shows their lack of heart for the families and our citizens
Yolanda (01:12:23): Food is very expensive but too expensive. Food stamps remain the same, depending on your income. In my case they only give me $400. For one month. Is not sufficient.
III. Resources to help you learn more:
Please join our Keep Marching FB page and share your thoughts there! https://www.facebook.com/groups/KeepMarching/
Confused about what the debt ceiling is and how it impacts you and your families? Watch the debt ceiling action page and explainer video: https://action.momsrising.org/sign/debtceiling-video/
SIGN the food security petition to tell Congress: No barriers for food and health care! https://action.momsrising.org/sign/work_req_2023/
SHARE your story if you SNAP or Medicaid boosted your family? https://action.momsrising.org/survey/SNAP_Medicaid_stories_2023/
SUBMIT your feedback on the Farm Bill and include your experience with SNAP ("Title IV, Nutrition"): https://agriculture.house.gov/forms/form/?ID=2&Preview=true
CALL members of the House Agriculture committee and tell them to protect and expand SNAP https://agriculture.house.gov/about/committee_members.htm
Having trouble with your SNAP benefits? Reach out to legal services in your community for help. You can also email Gina(gplata-nino@frac.org) for more information.
IV. We love meeting with members of our #KeepMarching community, and hope to see you at our next meeting. We’ll be talking about guns and the hidden history of the Second Amendment. We’ll be sharing details and sign-up pages soon, so stay tuned!
With hope and in solidarity,
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
MomsRising.org strongly encourages our readers to post comments in response to blog posts. We value diversity of opinions and perspectives. Our goals for this space are to be educational, thought-provoking, and respectful. So we actively moderate comments and we reserve the right to edit or remove comments that undermine these goals. Thanks!