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41 moms posing in front of the U.S. Capitol smiling as part of the Mom Power Bootcamp 2024
Hanna's picture

MomsRising invited 41 of our powerful mom leaders from 25 states across the country to join us for our Mom Power Bootcamp 2024! We brought together moms, advocates, Fellows, Fellow Alumni, and other engaged volunteers from across the country to share their stories and develop critical leadership and momentum-building advocacy skills in early education and other key care issues that affect families with young children.



A key component of our powerful event included empowering our moms to learn more about organizing their communities to hold our elected officials accountable this election year to fight for issues that impact families with young children like early childhood and child care. But we also had a lot of fun - including an exciting Zumba session and dance breaks to bring together all the MOMentum energy!



Our invigorating meet-up also included our Toddler Choice Awards to celebrate child care champions and to highlight the real stories of moms and the critical need for investments in care policies for families!

“I’m in a room full of women from all walks of life [at the Mom Power Bootcamp 2024]… and hearing similar stories… [and the reminder that] you aren’t alone…. I’m just excited to learn [and] grow more knowledge and my legislative skills!”

-Kristen from Washington, mom of two 


We want to give a massive THANK YOU to all our brilliant moms who came to foster critical leadership and organizing skills on child care and other issues that impact families with young kids! When moms come together to fight for families, we are powerful!



TAKE ACTION WITH US on child care! Share your child care story with us show our leaders that high-quality, affordable childcare is a priority for their constituents!

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