The nightmare haunting the dreams of virtually every Florida parent, professor, and administrator happened yesterday, when a man opened fire at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, killing more than 10 people and injuring seven.
This tragedy comes at a time when Florida legislators are considering whether to allow concealed weapons to be carried on Florida’s campuses without restrictions. Some legislators argue that the answer to gun violence at school is to arm students and teachers. However, the tragic shooting at Umpqua again reminds us that the presence of guns does not prevent gun violence. Indeed, Oregon is one of the few states where guns are permitted on campus — Umpqua Community College was not a gun-free zone and there were armed students on campus during the shootings. What we do know is that the presence of guns is much more likely to increase the chance of violence.
The gun lobby is already using the tragic events at Umpqua to try to move forward a bill to permit concealed carry on FL Campuses. Let’s use our voices to let the Florida legislature know that we do not want Florida’s colleges and universities opened to guns, except for school sanctioned security and law enforcement!
With so many college students already at risk for binge drinking, substance abuse and suicide, they don't need the lethality of firearms introduced into the mix. In fact, a Harvard study showed that college students who own guns are actually more likely to drink to excess, and engage in aggressive and dangerous behavior after drinking, with almost two thirds of students with guns in the study reporting binge drinking.
Sign on now to our message of no guns on FL campuses!
We’ll deliver your signatures ASAP to members of Florida’s Higher Education Subcommittee. The members of this subcommittee will consider the bill to allow concealed carry weapons on Florida’s campuses soon and these legislators have the power to kill this bill.
We can’t let the gun lobby push this dangerous legislation through the Florida legislature.
Together we can take a stand to protect our college students and campus communities.
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