Not on OUR watch will we let health care coverage be rolled back for more than 20 million people! It's time to make some calls...again... TODAY... because health care is on the chopping block yet again: ***Call your US Senators at: 1-888-496-4842 and tell them #ProtectOurCare!
--> People have been making calls and standing up has saved health care in the past -- and now it's time to do it again. The current situation is nothing short of mind boggling! After failing in multiple attempts this year (and nearly a hundred times since the Affordable Care Act was passed) to take health care coverage away from—and raise costs for—millions of people in our nation, U.S. Senate Republicans and Pres. Trump have brought back their Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare/health care) repeal bill in the form of the Cassidy-Graham bill.
It gets worse: U.S. Senate Republican leaders have indicated that if they can find 50 votes (they got 49 last time) that they’ll bring the bill to the floor for a vote and reports from Capitol Hill say they’re within striking distance of being able to pass it!
Right now, U.S. Senate leadership is determining the level of public support for the bill, which means every U.S. Senator needs to hear from their constituents TODAY that it’s time to put these partisan attempts to repeal our health care to rest and instead begin working toward strengthening our nation’s health care system instead. The Cassidy-Graham bill is not only another rushed, secretive, destructive health care repeal bill, but it could also undermine some promising bipartisan discussions that began a few weeks ago on how to strengthen our health care system.
Across the nation, moms and dads, patients and providers, hospitals and advocacy organizations, have been fighting this zombie bill all year. But it keeps coming back—and each time it gets a bit worse!
Here's the number to call your US Senator ASAP again: 1-888-496-4842
P.S. If you have an extra moment, use this line to call your Governor and urge them to pressure US Senators to protect health care: 1-844-636-3478
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