Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S.
MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #ProtectOurCare blog series will highlight many of the stories we've received.
From Chanel in Colorado:
"As a physician myself, I have worked as an employee of large organizations since my graduation from residency due to a pre-existing condition that excluded me from coverage. The high risk pool premium was far beyond what I could have afforded as a medical student or resident, and provided limited coverage at best. Thanks to the ACA, I was finally able to open my own private practice! If the ACA goes away, I will have to close it down to keep my access to health care. The ACA is GOOD for business and allows potential entrepreneurs like myself to start businesses in America, regardless of health history!"
You can read more stories from parent across the country here:
And if you have a story of your own you'd like to share, you can submit it here: http://action.momsrising.org/survey/healthcare-stories/
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