I was diagnosed with Lupus (SLE) when I was 17 years old. I have struggled with the ups and downs of a chronic illness that is unpredictable and could effect me at any time.
Healthcare is so important to me, because I need constant monitoring in order to avoid a "flare". I learned this lesson the hard way after I graduated from college, post 9/11, moved to California and couldn't find a job with benefits. I was able to stay on my parents health insurance in Colorado, but it meant I wasn't visiting the doctor on a regular basis and was avoiding regular blood draws because I was worried about the cost I might incur. After 8 months of living in California I was experiencing the heaviest period of my life, and it wasn't getting any better as the days passed. I took an emergency flight to Colorado and was admitted to the ICU. I had only 4000 platelets in my blood and the normal adult range is 200,000-400,000. After blood transfusions and multiple IVs with specialized medication, I was back to a normal range. I think back on this experience and know that it was something that could have been easily avoided with better monitoring from a doctor months prior to the event. My worries about not incurring medical expenses because I didn't have healthcare in the state I lived in, resulted in something so much bigger and almost costed me my life.
I now use the ACA to access my healthcare because the plans offered through my work limit the Doctors I am able to see because it is an HMO. I want to continue to see the doctors that I know and trust.
I find it so hard to believe that the politicians in Washington are so focused on which side created the Heathcare Plan and not on how it effects the people using it. They should take a walk in my shoes because while Healthcare in this county isn't "fixed" by the ACA, at least people like me don't have to worry about a letter in the mail saying that they are denied coverage. Especially for the people that need it most.
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