Immigrant mother and child
"I always cry when my mom is late for pick up. She might not pick me up one day, did you know?" -- Gabi, age 7 (as told by immigration attorney Carolina Rubio MacWright).
Too many California kids are living with this fear every day. In fact, more than half of California children have at least one immigrant parent. President Trump’s threat to deport three million people targets the most vulnerable members of our communities, our kids.
On Tuesday, June 13, the California Assembly Public Safety Committee will vote on SB 54, California Values Act, to protect California’s immigrants and we need your support!
This important legislation will protect the safety and well-being of all Californians by ensuring that our state and local resources are not used to fuel mass deportations, and that our schools, libraries, health facilities, shelters, Department of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) facilities and courts remain accessible to all Californians regardless of their immigration status.
We’ll be attending Tuesday’s hearing to bring your voices to the State Capitol, so please add your name to our petition below so we can make a powerful stand on behalf of immigrants in California. Urge the Assembly Public Safety Committee to Vote YES on The California Values Act to protect our state’s immigrants.
The California Values Act will protect California’s immigrant families and our economy by:
- Ensuring California schools, hospitals and courthouses remain safe and accessible to all California residents regardless of immigration status.
- Preventing local law enforcement and state police from using our limited resources to deport and separate immigrant families.
SIGN NOW to urge the Assembly Public Safety Committee to vote yes on The California Values Act!
Immigrants in California contribute to the economy in huge ways. 36% of businesses in California were started or are owned by immigrants, including many of California’s Fortune 500 companies. In fact, immigrant owned businesses bring in $34 billion in income each year! Immigrant families are also more likely to be in the labor force than their U.S. born counterparts. California’s economy is strong and innovative because of our immigrant families. All Californians need to stand up now to protect immigrant children and families in our communities!
Thank you for raising your voice and standing up for immigrant children and families in our communities.
P.S. Are you in driving distance to the Capitol in Sacramento? We’d love for you to join us at the hearing this Tuesday, June 13th! For more information, check out the Facebook event here, or email me at xochitl@momsrising.org.
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