Image credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/oqStl2L5oxI
Here at MomsRising, we gather, lift, and share your stories everyday. It is fundamental to how we together change the world. By sharing our stories, we help lawmakers who have the power to make the changes we need understand what we’re facing each and every day; we also let people with similar experiences know they’re not alone (which builds a powerful movement!); and we shift the media narrative to build pressure for change. This is a critical part of how we create momentum for policy change.
Here are a few of your stories that we are sharing with the U.S. Senate THIS WEEK as we fight to pass the Build Back Better Act:
“I cared for my husband for 8 years. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer. I was fortunate to have the privilege of caring for him. However, it was a 24 hour per day job. Congress should pass paid family leave immediately.”
- Mary Jo from Arizona
“As a caregiver I work long hours and very hard taking care of older people in their homes. I feel, as others caregivers do, we don’t make enough money. We get no breaks and no lunch hour. We work from the time we walk in the door until we get off. I work 8, 12, 15, 24 hours with no rest. We caregivers need good wages and benefits.”
- Faye from West Virginia
“We need the monthly expanded Child Tax Credit payments to continue, and we need a care infrastructure. I started a new part-time job at WalMart about a month ago. But I can’t afford afterschool care or child care when schools are closed. If my grandkids needed to quarantine due to COVID, I don’t know what we would do.”
- Mary Beth from North Carolina
How do we share your stories? In all sorts of ways - here are a few:
- We bring individual storytellers to Washington, DC to tell their own stories in the halls of Congress;
- We create and deliver carefully crafted issue-focused storybooks to lawmakers;
- We share stories online and on-the-ground, wherever we are, whenever we can, through national and local media, our blog, our social media platforms, emails just like this, and more.
Each year at MomsRising we gather and lift thousands and thousands of stories. These stories are our lives. They are the lifeblood of this movement – and are a major way we build power to fuel the changes our nation’s families need.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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