RSVP Today: Free Brunch with MomsRising in Chicago!
Dear Friends,
Why are we celebrating? Because October is Juvenile Justice month all across the country kids, young people, parents and caregivers just like you are coming together at events just like this one to raise awareness and stand up for students.
RSVP today to join a FREE family event with live entertainment, face painting, and food!
MomsRising works to educate and mobilize parents and caregivers across the nation on issues that impact kids, families and communities.
Our work to dismantle the school to prison pipeline, seeks to amplify resilience and decrease trauma by supporting social-emotional development practices and policies that improve conditions for students in grades PK-12.
Save your spot by registering today! Here are all the details:
Here's all the information:
When: Sunday, October 27th from 12:00pm to 2:00pm (drop by anytime!)
Where: Middle Brow Bungalow - 2840 W Armitage Avenue, (Logan Square) Chicago.
What: FREE brunch, face painting, t-shirts, coloring books, musical set by Little Parade and opportunities to take action on the issues that matter most to you and your family
Who: Moms, dads, grandparents, caregivers, community members and YOU! All are welcome. Costumes are welcomed and encouraged!
Thank you for all you do! See you Sunday!
-- Beatriz, Diarra, Monifa, and the whole MomsRising.org / MamásConPoder.org Team
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