Congress needs to know we’re paying attention to how they’re using our hard earned tax dollars. SIGN OUR LETTER telling the U.S. Congress to reject the #TrumpBudget!
SIGNATURE NEEDED: Trump’s budget hurts moms & families!
President Trump released his FY2020 budget last week and no surprises here— he slashed funding for programs that boost our families and kids in order to pay for his wasteful wall and tax cuts to the 1% and Wall Street.
***SIGN OUR LETTER to your U.S. members of Congress and tell them to reject the Trump Budget!
Congress needs to know we’re paying attention to how they’re using our hard earned tax dollars. Here are just a few of the ways the Trump Budget prioritizes the wealthy and harms working families:
- Trump’s budget makes massive cuts to healthcare (12% cuts in spending from last year total), including $1.5 trillion in cuts to Medicaid disproportionately harming children, people with disabilities, and families of color. [1]
- He put in a horrifying $220 billion cut to SNAP (food stamps)! He also goes after families who are struggling to put food on the table by requiring additional, unnecessary work requirements and replacing food stamps with a food box —a recycled idea from last year that was rejected by people on both sides of the aisle because it doesn’t respond to the individual needs to families (like food allergies and health issues) and harms the economy by taking money away from local grocery stores, among other reasons. [2,3]
- He proposes a one-time, $1 billion increase in child care funding over five years that rolls back child care safety standards. Child care safety protections are in place for a reason and America’s moms will never agree to trade away the standards necessary to protect their children. This proposal is unacceptable. [4]
- He proposes a paid family and medical leave plan that is fatally flawed; it leaves out the majority of people who currently use the unpaid Family and Medical Leave Act; and makes wage discrimination against moms worse, not better, which a comprehensive plan would do. Any plan that only covers parental (maternity/paternity) leaves out the majority of people who need the policy by denying paid leave to those who need it to care for seriously ill family members or to recover from their own serious Further, funding a paid leave program through cuts to unemployment insurance is unsustainable and sets up families and states to fail [5] This is all unacceptable, particularly when there is comprehensive, fiscally responsible national legislation already gaining momentum in Congress— the FAMILY Act.
- He doubles down on his wasteful and xenophobic campaign promise by calling for $8.6 billion to build a wall on the southern border—this is $3.6 billion MORE than what Congress already rejected and led to the largest government shutdown in U.S. history. [6]
- Trump’s budget is a bully budget! It hurts our families and our communities all in order to line the pockets of the rich and powerful.
We know why President Trump is trying to pass this awful, terrible budget. He needs to find a way to pay for the $2 trillion in tax cuts he gave to millionaires, billionaires, and mega-corporations in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (aka the Trump Tax Scam) last year. That upside down policy, coupled with his budget proposal, is not only harming our families now, but it is setting our kids up for a future of massive debts. His MAGAnomics approach of wasteful spending (no joke…that’s what they call it!) is ballooning the deficit to trillions of dollars, all so Trump can pass his harmful policies. [7]
Congress will begin drafting their own budget soon and we want to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear, so after you sign our letter, make sure to forward this email to your friends and family and post our action page to Facebook. The more people who sign our letter, the more powerful we will be!
P.S. Want to learn more about the Trump Budget? Check out our Twitter thread for more details.
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