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Valerie Young is Your (Wo)man in Washington blogger
Why does MOTHERS, an organization that promotes the societal value of caregiving and protects the economic security of caregivers, concern itself so with issues arising from women in the paid labor force?

It's a good question. While noting that more mothers of young children work outside the home than don't, we are not exclusively pro-"working mother" in our perspective. Nor do we stand for the proposition that a mother must be home full time with her children, or risk failing them utterly. We'd prefer the myth of the 'ideal mother' go the way of the loon, frankly, because there simply isn't one. Children are born, and mothers mother in an infinite variety of social, economic, and personal circumstances. All we know for sure is that it's way harder than it should be. And some of the reasons for this have to do with women and paid work.

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