At the end of Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating YOU and all the beautiful MOMentum you continue to make possible for women and families.
Together, we put on a full-court press for Equal Pay Day. United, we supported the brilliant and historic nomination of Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court. With pride, we commemorated the 12-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (as we also continue to work to expand access to healthcare). In remembrance, we observed the one-year anniversary of the Atlanta Spa Shooting, centering the victims and families, recognizing that the racism experienced by Asian and Asian Americans is often unseen, and re-committing to achieving racial and social justice.
And with hope, we continue to fight alongside leaders like President Biden for a care infrastructure (which the President recently lifted in his State of the Union address) including: Childcare and Pre-K, the maternal health Momnibus, home- and community-based services, paid family/medical leave and more.
Thank you for being a part of this. It means the world to us and to all the moms and families who benefit from your generosity and kindness.
Kerri and everyone at
We continue to turn away Ukrainians and other refugees without even offering a chance to have their cases for asylum heard in court because of a Trump-era policy called Title 42. Urge President Biden to end this cruel and dangerous policy. Sign Now Your generosity powers up this campaign. Thank you! |

This month, MomsRising member Rosa Walker testified before a U.S. House Budget Committee about the investments Congress must make in order to help families like hers recover from the pandemic. When you support MomsRising, you help lift the voices of ALL moms and families, like Rosa Walker!
“Families can be resilient, but only if they have the resources they need to adapt and move on…Remember my family.”
WATCH IT NOW: MomsRising Member Testifies Before Congress: "We simply can’t anymore: We are at the end of our ropes."

We were incredibly honored to have U.S. Sec. of Labor Marty Walsh and U.S. Deputy Sec. of Labor Julie Su serve as special guest judges for our Equal Pay Day Kids’ Art Contest. Sec. of Labor Marty Walsh said picking winners was “a tough call,” and we agree!
Thanks to your support, we delivered a copy of each piece of artwork to Pres. Biden, V.P. Harris, and each member of Congress in conjunction with our push for the Paycheck Fairness Act and executive action on pay equity.
ENJOY: Announcing: Our 2022 Equal Pay Day Art Contest Champions!
TAKE ACTION: Support the Raise the Wage Act and Paycheck Fairness Act

We have been hearing from families across the country about the critical need for improvements and supports for maternal mental health like paid family and medical leave, affordable child care, an extension of Medicaid coverage, and better mental health diagnosis and treatment for new moms. In our Maternal Mental Health Matters storybook, moms and families share exactly how we, as a nation, are failing to shore up maternal mental health.
“I wasn't diagnosed with postpartum depression until my daughter was 4 or 5 months old and by that point my Medicaid had already expired. Without diagnosis and treatment of my postpartum depression I don't know what would have happened - I was losing the ability to take care of my daughter and was struggling with suicidal thoughts.” — MomsRising member Kristin
With your support, we delivered hard copies of this powerful storybook to every member of Congress, along with our Prescription Drugs storybookand Care Economy storybook, to advance legislation on these critical priorities for moms and families.
CNN OPINION: This Equal Pay Day, let’s smash the maternal wall
“To be clear, smashing through the maternal wall is entirely and eminently possible.” — MomsRising Executive Director Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner
BRONX TIMES (LETTER): It’s time to fix our broken childcare system in this state
“I’m proud to fight for change and as a member of MomsRising, I’m urging Gov. Kathy Hochul and our New York state lawmakers to invest at least $5 billion needed to finally get our state on the path to the universal child care we need.” — MomsRising member Stephanie Blake
ABC NEWS: Women lost jobs at a higher rate in the pandemic. Many still haven't returned.
"We're just not valuing the people who take care of other people." — MomsRising member Rachel Shelton (also quoted was MomsRising member Mandee LaCroix) on wages and working conditions in childcare/early education
UNIVISION NEWS: Immigration, Changes in VAWA
[Spanish] “Many times immigrant women do not report domestic violence for fear of deportation.” — MomsRising/MamásConPoder Vice President Xochitl Oseguera
UNIVISION: Buenos Días Show
[Spanish] MomsRising/MamásConPoder Vice President Xochitl Oseguera is featured at the 6-minute mark discussing child care centers closing and the policy solutions we need to solve the childcare crisis.

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