Felicia Willems (and son) talking to media about MomsRising's effort to stop Congress from gutting Medicaid funding.
Watching the health care news this week is enough to give you whiplash!
Even though it appears efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and gut our nation’s cherished Medicaid program have failed, there are STILL plans to take a vote next week to gut health care protections and repeal the ACA without a replacement which would be devastating to families across the country.
**We can’t let up! That’s why MomsRising members are on Capitol Hill TODAY to tell key U.S. Senators: Medicaid does wonders for America’s kids and families!
→ Can you back us up by calling now? Just dial 1-888-496-4842 and we’ll connect you to your U.S. Senator’s office.
We need to make our voices loud and clear to say: Stop attacking our families’ health and well-being. Stop playing politics with our health and work together to strengthen the ACA and Medicaid!
With our nation’s health care hanging in the balance we’ll be delivering superhero capes to key senators, asking them to stand strong for women, children and families by opposing the dangerous proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without replacing it.
The capes are part of a broader delivery of powerful personal stories from parents across the country that demonstrate how repealing or weakening the ACA and gutting Medicaid would harm maternal and child health. Parents are the most powerful voices we have to help cut through the political rhetoric and get down to what’s most important for our nation’s health care policies. We will use these stories to educate our leaders about how essential Medicaid and the ACA are for families and our economy.
→ Call your U.S. Senator now! Tell them: Work in a bipartisan way to secure and strengthen the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid! 1-888-496-4842
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has determined that repealing the ACA without a replacement would leave 32 million people uninsured and double premiums within a decade. The United States already has one of the worst maternal and infant mortality rates of any developed nation and there are troubling racial disparities, with Black women having an almost three times greater risk of death from pregnancy than White women, regardless of age, parity or education.
Now is the time to rise above petty politics and we need our leaders to work together to stabilize insurance markets, stop sabotaging ACA marketplaces, and improve the affordability of health coverage. The lives of infants, children, and mothers are at stake!
Call now to make your voice heard! We’ll connect you to your U.S. Senator when you dial 1-888-496-4842.
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