Tell Congress: Keep the ACA in place. Don’t take our health care!
April 26, 2017
It’s ba-aack!
The terrible, horrible, no good, monstrous, and very bad Trumpcare/American Health Care Act (AHCA) is rearing its ugly head in the U.S. House again... and this time it’s even worse!
Sign on now! Tell Congress: Keep the Affordable Care Act in place. Don’t take our health care!
Here’s the lowdown: In March, the U.S. House pulled the damaging Trumpcare/AHCA from the floor after they couldn’t build enough support to pass it because it gave billions in tax cuts to the wealthy while taking health care away from 24 million people, gutting Medicaid, and making coverage less affordable. Since then, Republican leadership has been trying to build consensus amongst the most extreme members of the party so they can bring the bad bill up for a vote again.
Unfortunately, and unbelievably, to try to get support from the most extreme members of the Republican caucus, Republican leaders are making the bad bill worse.They now have a new additional very bad, no good, horrible idea of gutting protections for people with pre-existing conditions through the so-called MacArthur Amendment!
Not only would this amendment allow people with pre-existing conditions to be charged more for health care, it brings back wildly unpopular insurance provisions by allowing waivers of Essential Health Benefit (EHB) standards. Women would be charged more than men for coverage, plans would be able to impose annual and lifetime limits on coverage, and essentially useless plans could be sold that don’t even require caps on out-of-pocket costs or coverage for mental health or prescriptions! The American Cancer Society said the MacArthur Amendment would “undermine access to coverage for cancer patients.”
Not on our watch! Trumpcare/AHCA is cruel, heartless, and cannot pass!
Tell Congress: Don’t repeal! Keep the protections we’ve gained through the Affordable Care Act. http://action.momsrising.org/sign/protect_ACA_reject_AHCA/?source=blog
Families need stability in their health care coverage! Our economy does too! Health care is the number one economic issue Americans are worried about right now, with half of Americans saying they worry about health care “a lot.” After Republicans failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in March, 64% of people said it was a “good thing” and support for the ACA is at its highest since it passed!
It’s abundantly clear, the American people overwhelmingly want to keep the progress we’ve made in recent years in health care coverage. Over the recent Congressional recess, concerned people all across the country attended Town Halls to voice their concerns about health care and express opposition to the AHCA.
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