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Will one of your Senators be the Grinch Who Stole Healthcare Reform?

The vote in the Senate is going to be incredibly close and the loss or gain of just one or two Senators could make or break this historic chance to finally start fixing our broken healthcare system. We are now just days away from a crucial vote in the Senate and we need to make sure the voices of moms and families are heard that we cannot afford to wait for healthcare reform.

Send a letter to your Senators now telling them to get health reform done and ensure it is a win for all kids:

Is the Senate healthcare bill perfect? No. But is it the best shot we've seen in our lifetimes to finally start fixing our broken healthcare system that leaves 46 million people in America without health insurance and so many others insured only until they actually get sick? YES!

How will the bill being considered by the Senate right now improve our current healthcare system? It will:

* Make it illegal for insurers to deny us coverage because we have a pre-existing condition or charge us more because we are women.
* Create new insurance exchanges so that if you are currently uninsured, you lose your job, or have a small business that struggles to find affordable healthcare coverage, you can finally buy affordable, comprehensive insurance at group rates.
* Provide subsidies to help working families buy health insurance.
* Allow you to keep your current health insurance and doctors if you like them.

This week, as many of us are addressing holiday cards, wrapping presents, baking cookies, and attending holiday school concerts, let's each take a second right now to make sure our Senators don't become the Grinch Who Stole Healthcare Reform. Making sure everyone in America has access to affordable health insurance that they can count on is the greatest gift we can give our children and families this holiday season.

Tell your Senators to get health reform done and ensure it is a win for all kids:

And please pass this message on to your friends and family today because we are going to need everyone's support to finally achieve health reform.

Thank you for all your work on this incredible fight for our children's and our nation's future!

-- Donna, Julia, Anita, Ashley, Kristin, Molly and the whole MomsRising team

P.S.  Need another reason to support healthcare reform? According to a report released today by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, healthcare reform would directly help families by lowering the amount we spend in healthcare coverage.  An average family plan from an employer now costs $13,375 per year, more than double the premium in 2000.  Health reform would help drive down premiums and limit the out-of-pocket expenses that can eat into a family's budget.  Check out the report for more details on how health reform will reduce costs for families here:

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