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Congress is currently in its first recess of the year. The Coalition on Human Needs just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report, with a look at what members tackled before the break, and what's waiting for them when they return on Feb. 27. Read on for articles on FY17 & FY18 budget and appropriations work, House Republicans' plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, President Trump's cabinet, and worker protections under threat.

Click here for the full PDF of the Human Needs Report.

FY17 Appropriations and FY18 Budget Expected to Move
With a budget director in place in the Trump Administration, work on Fiscal Year 2017 appropriations and a Fiscal Year 2018 budget is expected to move forward after the Presidents' Day recess. Congress and the Administration will need to work together on a plan to keep the government open after the current stopgap spending measure runs out on April 28, while also working on the FY18 budget and spending bills. READ MORE »

White House to Ask for Additional Funding for Defense and Border Wall
The Department of Defense is preparing to ask Congress for additional funding for the current fiscal year, and President Trump is also expected to submit a request to Congress soon for funding to begin construction on a wall along the southern U.S. border. Looking ahead, some Republicans in Congress are also calling for large increases to the defense budget for FY18 and beyond. READ MORE »

House Republicans Unveil ACA Replacement Outline
On Feb. 16, House Republican leaders unveiled to their members an outline of their plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. The plan includes changes to the subsidies that help low-income people buy insurance, expanding health savings accounts, and major structural changes to Medicaid that advocates fear will leave many low-income people without coverage. READ MORE »

President Trump's Cabinet Fills Up, But Labor Secretary Nominee Forced to Withdraw
Advocates celebrated when Andrew Puzder, President Trump's original nominee to be Secretary of Labor, withdrew his nomination on Feb. 15. Despite efforts by advocates and most Senate Democrats, however, several of President Trump's other cabinet nominees were confirmed by the Senate and sworn in in recent weeks. Many of these confirmations fell along party line or near-party line votes. READ MORE »

House Votes to Repeal More Rules Affecting Workers
On Feb. 15, the House voted to repeal several rules implemented by the Obama Administration that affect workers, including a rule related to drug testing workers applying for unemployment insurance and rules that would allow states to create retirement savings accounts for low-income workers whose employers do not offer retirement plans of their own. READ MORE »

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