Top #5Actions of the Past Week: May 22, 2020
Greetings. We hope your week has gone as well as possible, and you'll have some time to relax and recharge this weekend. We're sharing our latest list of top actions from the past week, featuring important items on taxes, healthcare, and SNAP. You can also sign up to mail postcards encouraging moms to vote, and to join a special #KeepMarching meeting focused on small-group dialogue. Scroll down to find out more, and please share this list with family and friends too.
Together we are powerful! Here's the list:
1. Tell the Senate: Tax cuts for working families, not millionaires!
BACKGROUND: The House of Representatives just passed the HEROES Act! Included in this important COVID-19 relief legislation is an expansion of the EITC and Child Tax Credit to struggling families and the repeal of the #MillionairesGiveaway—a provision previously included in another COVID-19 relief bill that has NOTHING to do with coronavirus or helping our shattered economy but gives a whopping $135 billion tax cut to only 43,000 U.S. millionaires. Now it's up to the U.S. Senate to vote on the HEROES Act. We need our elected leaders to support families living paycheck-to-paycheck, not give no-strings-attached windfalls to the already mega-rich! ***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on your U.S. Senators to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway and instead pass working family tax credits that boost our families!
2. Quick Signature: COVID-19 shows why we all need health care!
BACKGROUND: No matter where we come from, or what our color, all of us should be able to access health care when we get sick. Now more than ever, the COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our health depends on the person next to us, and the person next to them. Ensuring that we all can access health care is how we take care of ourselves. Join us to ask President Trump and Republican State Attorneys General to drop the lawsuit asking the courts to strike down the entire ACA as unconstitutional. If they succeed in your lawsuit, at least 20 million people would become uninsured and millions more could be charged more or denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition. Add your name now!
3. Send a Letter to the Editor to Speak Up for Hungry Families!
BACKGROUND: We need our elected leaders to prioritize the nutrition needs of our families. They must guarantee that anyone who needs nutrition assistance is able to access it and increase SNAP (food stamp) benefits to better serve struggling families. Congress is about to enter tough negotiations on the next COVID-19 relief bill. The House of Representatives have passed their bill, but Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies have come straight out and said multiple times that they don’t want to boost SNAP in any way. We want to raise the profile of this issue by placing Letters to the Editor in local papers around the country so Congress feels pressured to take action as soon as possible! ***Send a letter to your local paper calling on Congress to boost nutrition assistance and SNAP in their next COVID-19 relief package!
4. Sign up for "Alone: Solitude or Isolation?" - An extra-special #KeepMarching online meeting with Living Room Conversations, May 28, 8pm ET/ 5pm PT
BACKGROUND: In guided, structured Zoom conversations, groups of four to seven people will gather for about 60 minutes to listen to and be heard by each other, sharing thoughts and personal experiences about aloneness. Our social nature is part of our humanity. People tend to like being with other people, and many of us need other people in order to be healthy and happy. The feeling of being alone can weigh heavily on an individual. Yet, for some people, solitude is tranquil, relaxing, and even spiritually rewarding. The current need to physically isolate ourselves from others is putting limits on our social connections. What is this experience like for you? Join us to discuss!
5. Help Us Send 1,000,000 Voting Reminder Postcards to Moms!
BACKGROUND: Help us send 1,000,000 voting reminder postcards to moms who haven’t always voted in the past to help them exert their voting power this November. Sign up to receive free packets of 10 pre-stamped, pre-addressed, gorgeous, eye-catching postcards for you to fill out in a jiffy, which, a few weeks before the Nov. 3 elections, we’ll release in a tidal wave of heart-felt mom-to-mom messages to vote. Get your free postcards now!
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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