Top #5Actions of the Week: June 21, 2019
We're back with this week's list of top #5Actions from the past week, featuring hot items around defending health care, gun safety, family separation, and more. We also still eager for your input on which issues are most important for you so we can create our "Mom Platform" as we head into the next presidential election.
Please scroll down, take action, and share with family and friends, too. Thank you for all you do, and here's the list =>
1. Quick Signature: 21 Million People Cannot Lose Health Care Coverage
BACKGROUND: The Texas v. United States case is being brought by a group of Republican state attorneys general (TX, AL, AR, AZ, FL, GA, IN, KS, LA, MS, MO, NE, ND, SC, SD, TN, UT, WV). In addition, President Trump’s administration and the U.S. Department of Justice, led by U.S. Attorney General William Barr, filed a letter in support of the case seeking to overturn the ENTIRE Affordable Care Act. This would include the provisions that ban discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions, allow parents to keep children on their insurance until age 26, and require insurance coverage includes essential health benefits like maternity coverage, prescription drugs, and mental health care. Add your name now!
2. Call or Text your Representative Today and Tell Them to Support the Raise The Wage Act! Call 1-888-907-9957 or Text "raise wage" to 747464
BACKGROUND: It’s been 10 years since Congress increased the federal minimum wage—the longest period in U.S. history. No one can live on $7.25. It's time to change this! Call or text your Representative today and tell them to support the Raise The Wage Act! The Act raises the minimum wage to $15/hour. It also eliminates exceptions in existing federal law that allows employers to discriminate against workers with disabilities and tipped workers by paying them less than the minimum wage. Call 1-888-907-9957 or Text "raise wage" to 747464.
3. Tell Congress: Stop Separating Babies From their Families!
BACKGROUND: As mothers, fathers, and people who care about children and families, we are very alarmed by recent reports of the treatment of immigrant children and families in detention, including reports of infants and children continuing to be separated from their parents, and children dying from insufficient medical attention in detention. We urge Congress to fully execute its oversight responsibilities and to cut the funding of ICE and CBP which leads to the mistreatment of immigrant families, and instead fund community organizations to address the humanitarian needs of immigrant children and families.
4. Join our June #KeepMarching Virtual Meeting: How gun violence impacts our families and communities BEYOND just death and injury statistics! June 19 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT
BACKGROUND: June is National Gun Violence Awareness Month. Join us for the June #KeepMarching meeting on Thursday, June 27, 8 PM ET/5PM PT. We'll be looking at how gun safety intersects with healthcare, education, immigration, and democracy reform with special guests:
- John Lindsay Poland, Coordinator of Stop US Arms to Mexico, on the intersection of guns and immigration;
- Dr. Sanjeev Sriram, pediatrician and National Gun Violence Prevention Campaign Leader at Doctors for America, on the impact of guns on care and the healthcare system;
- Beatriz Beckford, MomsRising's Maternal Justice Campaign Director, on arming teachers and the impact of potential gun violence on students; and
- Lori Haas, State & Legislative Director at The Coalition & Ed Fund to Stop Gun Violence, on the NRA's influence on elected leaders and its entanglements with foreign agents.
5. Your Input Needed! What issues should Presidential candidates prioritize?
BACKGROUND: You know. Moms know. We all know what’s happening in our families, our lives, and our communities. We know we’re not alone. We know the truth about dealing with our healthcare system, about the cost of childcare, about what it takes to raise a family. The candidates for President need to know our truth too. It’s time to put our truth on center stage. There are dozens of candidates running for President — and it’s critically important to let each of them know EARLY about the policies that moms expect them to champion. They need to know what issues moms, not just corporate lobbyists, prioritize. That’s why we’re creating a “Mom Platform: Mom Crafted, Mom Approved” policies platform that we’ll be giving to every candidate for President. And by “Mom Crafted” we mean YOU!
*Take a moment to share what issues YOU think every Presidential candidate should prioritize as they run for office.
Thank you for all you do,
- Karen, Kristin, Gloria, Nadia, Abbie, Dorie, Sue Anne, and the rest of the MomsRising.org / MamásConPoder.org Team
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