Top Actions of the Past Week: Friday, January 26, 2024
Remind Congress the critical role immigrant caregivers play in our lives!
“My mother died a few months ago of cancer and we would have not made it as a family without the daily care from immigrant caregivers. This country needs immigrants from all walks of life and we are lucky to have them.” – MomsRising member from Pennsylvania
Despite the terrible things we hear that some members of Congress and others are saying about immigrants, we know the reality. Immigrants are our nation’s strength. And as National Caregivers Day approaches on February 16th, we want to use this opportunity to make sure members of Congress know how critical immigrant caregivers are in our communities! Across the country immigrants make up more than 18% of the nation's healthcare workers and 27% of direct care workforce - including home health aides, personal health aides, and nursing assistants.
Quick signature: Reduce the cost of EpiPens!
Right now, our country faces an affordability crisis as some patients are paying more than $600 per EpiPen, a life-saving emergency drug.
Moms like Karen from New York have shared with us how critical EpiPens are for families:
“EpiPens have saved my daughter's life twice. I cannot imagine what would have happened without them.”
Since 2007, Mylan, the company that manufactures lifesaving EpiPens, has raised costs. The EpiPen soared from $100 to over $600 in 2016, even though the expense of producing an EpiPen dose of epinephrine has stayed approximately $1. This is outrageous and needs to stop. That’s why we must urge Congress to act by passing the EpiPen Act!
Sign on now: Tell Congress to cut Epipen costs!
Tell Congress, “Don’t go breaking our hearts!
This Valentine’s Day, we’re telling Congress: “Don’t go breaking our hearts. Pass policies that families LOVE!” That’s right, it’s past time for Congress to show their love for our families and pass policies that are sweeter than a heart-shaped box of chocolates—policies that lift children, families, businesses, and our economy.
Call your Representative to expand the Child Tax Credit!
Because YOU have spoken out over the past year–sending calls, sharing stories, signing letters, and shouting from the rooftops!–we have a positive update on the Child Tax Credit (CTC): Democrats and Republicans have reached a bipartisan deal to temporarily expand the Child Tax Credit. And the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on it next week!
This is huge and we need your help to keep the momentum going. CALL your U.S. Representative using our hotline to Congress and tell your elected leader to “Pass and support the bipartisan tax package and expand the Child Tax Credit immediately.”
We make it super easy for you–simply text CTC to 888-418-5699–or click the link below and fill in your information and you’ll get a call on your phone connecting you directly to your Representative’s offices. We even provide you with written talking points to assist you in your call.
Call your U.S. Representative now and tell them to expand the Child Tax Credit immediately!
P.S.– Immigrant caregivers are critical in helping moms and families stay healthy and safe. Our care infrastructure would crumble without the incredible work of immigrants. Do you have an incredible immigrant caregiver in your life that you’d like to spotlight? Share your story with us! (Anonymous contributions are also welcomed.)
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