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Childcare & Early Education

5 freedoms I enjoyed in school that my daughter won’t

September 19, 2011
At six months pregnant, like most moms and moms-to-be, I’m finding plenty of things to worry about. When I’m not fretting over my daily calcium intake or environmentally friendly diaper options, I find myself plagued with anxiety about the longer-term realities of child rearing today. I want to...

Beyond 9/11 - Love Not Fear

September 10, 2011
The age difference between my oldest child and youngest is ten years. The daughter who was in third grade on September 11, 2001 started her first year of college last week, and the “baby” is now at the same school, sitting in the exact same elementary classroom as her big sister did on 9/11/01. I...
Homa Tavangar's picture

NC Moms: What's on your "must have" school supply list?

September 8, 2011
Backpack? (Check!) Number 2 pencils? (Check!) Crayons and Kleenex? (Check!) It’s back-to-school time and with it comes the always fun school supply shopping trip! Over the next few weeks many of us will find ourselves crowded into the aisles of our local stores, looking for the best deals on...
BethM's picture

Civil Rights Group that Mobilized Tens of Thousands in Support of Kelley Williams-Bolar Applauds Gov. Kasich’s Decision to Grant Her Clemency

September 8, 2011 and flooded Ohio Governor’s Office with Hundreds of Calls Demanding a Pardon, the nation’s largest online African-American political organization, today applauded Ohio Governor John Kasich’s decision to grant Kelley Williams-Bolar executive clemency,...
Dani McClain's picture

Daycare Advice for Expectant Mothers

September 7, 2011
Before our baby was born I received really good advice from a co-worker while I was only in my second trimester who suggested my husband and I should locate a child-care provider ASAP, well before the baby was due. It seemed crazy to me to have to start looking but we took her advice and I’m really...
Michelle Noehren's picture

The Education Front of The War on Women

August 25, 2011
What constitutes a “War on Women?” Is it the daily headlines about attacks on reproductive rights? Or is it more than that? Working at a women’s rights organization, especially one that works on many issues, I can tell you right now that the “War on Women” has many fronts. Some are in the headlines...

Commercialized Sexualization and the Choice to Opt Out

August 24, 2011
A Canadian couple's decision to keep their infant's sex from the world at large seems less weird when one consider's the harms done by the marketing industry's sexualization of young children
Susan Linn's picture

Taking Care of a Newborn IS Work!

August 23, 2011
Three weeks ago I “came back” to work. I say “came back” because for the previous 10 weeks I was at home taking care of a newborn and now I’m back at my full-time career. I love the saying, “every mother is a working mother.” Now that I’ve had the experience of being a first-time mother, I relate...
Michelle Noehren's picture

Only one woman on the "Super Committee"? Ouch!

August 12, 2011
Only one woman on the "Super Committee"? Ouch! Here's the math: Women are 50.7% of our population, only 17% of Congress, and an appallingly low 8% of the Super Committee . This lack of representation on the debt ceiling Super Committee which is charged with cutting $1.5 trillion from the federal...
Kristin's picture
Get crafty!

How to Make a Superhero Cape by Lara from HowDoesShe

August 10, 2011
I made this cape from one color of fabric, but you could easily get two different colors (1 yard of each) for a double sided cape!
Lara's picture
