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Childcare & Early Education

Senadores, no nos rompan el corazón

Dile a tus senadores: ¡Estás rompiendo nuestros corazones!

February 12, 2022
Para el Día de San Valentín, sería genial disfrutar de chocolates, flores y dulces. Pero es difícil sentir el amor cuando mi familia y tantas otras familias como la mía luchan por pagar y acceder a un cuidado infantil de calidad. Sé que hemos estado hablando mucho sobre el cuidado de niños...
linda's picture
Valentines Day rainbow crayons

5 Ways to Have Our Voices Heard This Valentine's Day

February 9, 2022
This Valentine’s Day, let’s count the ways we can have our voice heard to finally solve child care! What families need this year is for Cupid to book a plane ticket to Washington, DC and use some of their magic to get our elected leaders to show us some love and invest in the solutions for the...
Diana Limongi's picture

This Valentine’s Day, Show Some LOVE to Your Child Care Providers

February 7, 2022
There are three things I do every Valentine’s Day: Go on a lunch date with my partner, do some Valentine’s Day crafts with my two children, and send out cards to people I love, including family and friends. This Valentine’s Day, I’m doing one more thing: showing love to the teachers and staff...
To-wen Tseng's picture

Why is child care feeling like Groundhog’s Day?

February 2, 2022
Is it just me or does every day feel like it’s repeating itself over and over (and over) again? It’s like the movie Groundhog’s Day, where Bill Murray’s character is forced to wake up and repeat the exact same day, day after day, except instead of a gopher, I have a toddler.
Nadia's picture
Leachco infant lounger

Company refuses to recall products linked to two infant deaths

January 28, 2022
Two infant suffocation deaths are connected to Leachco lounger pillows - but the company refuses to act. Here's what you can do.
Meagan Bohne's picture
photo of a page on a typewriter with the word opinion

MS. MAGAZINE OPINION: Build Back Better Would Be a Game Changer

January 18, 2022
On Jan. 6, 2022, Ms. Magazine published an opinion piece that I co-wrote with MomsRising partner, Women’s Economic Justice Director and The Century Foundation Senior Fellow Julie Kashen: The U.S. Is in Urgent Need of Childcare Solutions. Build Back Better Would Be a Game-Changer In the opinion, we...
Nina Perez's picture

Calling all New Yorkers: We Need $5 Billion for child care!

January 15, 2022
I’m a mom from Queens, NY. I’ve always relied on child care to take care of my children while I worked outside the home. I know all too well how expensive child care is, and how many parents are left with few options that are affordable and in their communities. I was one of the unfortunate parents...
Diana Limongi's picture
Universal Child Care

Consejos para el Activismo de las Supermamás

January 12, 2022
Las supermamás, como tú, han sido una fuerza que ha impulsado cambios políticos positivos que tienen un gran impacto para nuestras familias. Queremos decirte un “¡gracias!” inmenso por romper barreras y hacerte presente para ayudar a cambiar el mundo. En pocas palabras, ¡eres lo MÁXIMO! Participar...
Nina Perez's picture
A woman lovingly holds a little boy

Consejos sobre Desarrollo Infantil para el Activismo Familiar

January 12, 2022
¡Participar en actividades de defensa con nuestros niños puede generar muchas preguntas! ¿Debo obligar a mi adolescente a marchar conmigo? ¿Es la marcha un lugar apropiado para el desarrollo de mi infante? ¡Aquí encontrarás las respuestas! Estos son algunos consejos útiles de Lina Acosta Sandaal,...
MomsRising's picture

¿Cómo la variante ómicron está afectando a tu familia?

January 1, 2022
“Estoy cansada. Estoy ansiosa. La escuela de mis hijos cerró otra vez por ómicron y tengo miedo de perder mi trabajo.” - Mercedes, Carolina del Norte “Tuve que reducir mis horas de trabajo para poder cuidar a mi bebé en casa. No sé cómo voy a pagar mis biles de este mes.” - Belén, Utah Linda, la...
linda's picture
