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Environmental Health

In the Cross Hairs of Climate Change

February 15, 2020
Climate destabilization is devastating our world . Wildfires consume California; larger and more powerful tropical storms threaten our Caribbean and Atlantic coasts. There are more spring floods in the US Midwest and droughts in the Mediterranean basin and the Western US. The average surface...
Bruce R. Krawisz's picture

A Wakeup Call for Parents: The Trump Administration is Endangering Generations

February 11, 2020
The Trump administration is making parenting significantly harder and putting our kids’ health at risk. In a new report, “Endangering Generations: How the Trump Administration’s Assault on Science Is Harming Children’s Health,” we catalogue a wide range of policy changes that specifically undermine...
Genna Reed's picture

Why I'm Watching Dark Waters This Week

November 27, 2019
Please go see Dark Waters , the riveting and important story of attorney Rob Bilott, soon. It's playing now around the country. And please do share the message to see the film with your friends and colleagues. The film's social action team seeks to increase the film's impact and hope it will be a...
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Bright pink graphic showing faces of presenters for the webinar on personal care products and reproductive health.]

Webinar on Personal Care Products & Reproductive Health

August 27, 2019
The National Women’s Health Network has been working to raise awareness and advocate for strong federal regulation of cosmetic and personal care products. Most of us use these products—from shampoo and sunscreen to makeup and hair dyes—on a daily basis, some of which contain ingredients and...
M. Isabelle Chaudry's picture

Tackling Air Pollution from the Inside Out

August 22, 2019
As an internist, I thought I knew a lot about what makes people sick. Until I became a mother. And then got sick myself. First, I developed an autoimmune thyroid condition. Over the next few years, this escalated into complex, debilitating conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome and dysautonomia (...
Cynthia Li's picture

Ending Lead Exposure at NC Child Care Centers

March 18, 2019
Here’s a welcome good news story about kids’ health and the environment: In North Carolina, public health officials have been working for more than 30 years to eliminate childhood lead poisoning – and have come very close to doing so. Child blood levels have dropped dramatically population-wide...
Vikki Crouse's picture

Making Streets Safer Across the Nation

January 4, 2019
Complete streets policies make communities and neighborhoods more livable by ensuring people can safely get where they need – to work, school, the library, grocery store, restaurants and shopping destinations. The good news is that 30 states and Washington, D.C. have adopted complete streets policies; however, only 17 of those have policies that go deeper with clear requirements for action. Thankfully, organizations across the country are working to resolve this issue. Read below to learn more about the recent successes in Milwaukee and other complete streets campaigns...
Stephanie Vaughn's picture
Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube

Monsanto Lawsuit Reveals a Broken EPA

September 24, 2018
After a California jury found Monsanto culpable in Dewayne Johnson’s non-Hodgkin's lymphoma last month month, lawsuits against the company swelled from 5,200 to 8,000 . People like Dewayne who were harmed by Roundup will likely see some justice in the months and years ahead, but their suffering...
Erica Flock's picture
Free Power Pack!
Child jumping in the air with a big smile. Text reads: "Power pack! Contains important tips on issues like water safety and access, physical education, marketing in schools, dual language learning

Get Your Healthy School Power Pack!

September 19, 2018
All of our children deserve the opportunity to succeed, whether they want to be an astronaut, open a restaurant, or play third base. Children are full of possibility and potential. As parents, caregivers and adults, that gives us great hope for this world. Our children will craft and create a...
Karen Showalter's picture

On #RisersRadio This Week: #ProtectOurPlanet

September 18, 2018
On the radio show this week we cover a long fought childcare victory, the latest in the fight to #StopKavanaugh, what climate change and storms have in common and how we can protect our planet, and tips for safety in hurricanes and weather disasters. *Special guests include: Helen Blank, National...
MomsRising's picture
