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Family Economic Security

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URGENT: Senators Voting on Fair Pay, Minimum Wage Bills

September 9, 2014
Breaking news: The U.S. Senate could vote soon on the Paycheck Fairness Act and on the Fair Minimum Wage Act. Votes could happen as early as Wednesday, September 10. Time is short! And your voice is needed now to let Congress know we're paying attention to how they vote -- and we expect them to step up for women and families.
Ruth Martin's picture

I'm a Koch Sister, Too!

September 8, 2014
You’ve heard of the Koch Brothers, the ultra-rich, corporate extremists whose deep pockets are flooding election-season airwaves. Too often, their goals are part of a political playbook to drive down wages, cut Social Security and Medicare and secure more corporate tax breaks at the expense of our...
Liz Shuler's picture

California Passes Paid Sick Days Bill!

September 3, 2014
California has long led the way in establishing family friendly workplace policies, from enacting the nation's first paid leave program in 2002, to the nation's first citywide paid sick days law in San Francisco in 2007. Last week, the state legislature made further history by passing a bill that would allow around 6.5 million additional California workers to earn paid sick days. The bill's next stop is Governor Jerry Brown's desk and the great news is that he has already voiced his support for the bill!
Sara Alcid's picture

Transporte: vital para la seguridad económica de las mujeres

September 3, 2014
Transporte seguro, eficiente y a buen precio es vital para la seguridad económica de las mujeres. El transporte posibilita la autosuficiencia y permite acceso oportuno al empleo, a servicios de primera necesidad –como tiendas de autoservicio, guarderías y cuidado médico –y permite que las mujeres...
Claudia Williams's picture

Employers of nursing mothers think outside the bathroom stall

September 2, 2014
A provision was added to the Affordable Care Act in 2010 requiring that employers “provide a reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child...and a place, other than a bathroom...which may be used by an employee to express breast milk.” The health benefits of breastfeeding for babies and mothers is widely known. Did you know that employers benefit, too?
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture

Labor Day: A Time to Recommit

August 29, 2014
This Labor Day, throughout the nation we will pause to recognize the incredible achievements of America’s working women and men. We will gather in communities to march in parades, host barbecues and celebrate the people who really make this country run. But we also should recognize that despite our...
Liz Shuler's picture

My remarks from the Women's Equality event with Leader Nancy Pelosi

August 28, 2014
I knew that affordable childcare would be a vital necessity -- my husband and I both have full-time jobs at nonprofits, our budget is very limited, and we do not have family nearby. The high cost of childcare, which is more than a college education in most states, has influenced where we live and what kind of jobs we have.
Deandra Ludovice's picture

My remarks on wage discrimination for Women's Equality Day

August 28, 2014
Hello, I’m Laura Mui and I am chinese american, a mother to an incredible young person, partner, sister, spouse, daughter, therapist, teacher, friend, colleague, and a human being. Before I say a few words about my personal experience with wage discrimination, I’d like to express my sadness and...
Laura Mui's picture

Ensure Fair Wages for Home Care Workers for Women’s Equality Day

August 26, 2014
Today we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, the anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. It has been almost a century since that historic occasion, and women have made enormous progress toward political and social equality. But when it comes to economic equity,...
Jodi Sturgeon's picture

#RaisetheWage because #WEmatter-- and so does our national economy.

August 26, 2014
Too often, federal taxpayers are left to subsidize corporate profits through the important programs we have in place to ensure that families can meet their basic needs. Increasing the federal minimum wage helps low wage workers, infuses much-needed money into the economy, AND reduces the extent to which low-income workers must lean on the federal budget just to meet their basic needs. Surely it’s time to #RaiseTheWage, to show that #WEMatter!
Douglas Hall's picture
